Why you must appreciate the negative in your life


You Must Take the Negative With the Positive!

I think the positive in life goes hand in hand with the negative. People say they would go back in time to not meet someone, to not do something, simply because it had negative consequences. I would not redo anything in my life if I had the option to. Yes I have done stupid and bad shit and they came with negative consequences but I do not regret anything.

There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world- there is so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.

If I didn’t do the things I did, I would not be who I am today. I won’t be who I am tomorrow. I won’t be who I’ll become in a year, two years, and ten years. I may be completely different in the future simply because of all the experiences I have, the things I say and do. I may think differently or react to things differently. Obviously the positive and negative in your life effects that, and it may have either a positive or negative affect on whom you are as a person.

I believe everything in life should be appreciated. The good and bad people you meet. The person who broke your heart for the first time ever when you were sixteen. The one who caused you to lose your best friend. The time your childhood pet died. The time you lost your job. The time you had to move in with your parents. The time you were the new kid at school. The first time you fell in love. Your first sexual experience. The first time you got drunk. The time you met someone who gave you a completely new outlook on life. These are different experiences and they all had an effect on you and the way you think, talk, and act.

Beforehand you may have been mean to waitresses at a diner, but slowly you became nicer, leaving better tips or speaking to them nicer. If you have read any of my other mytakes you’ll notice they have a common theme; to be proud of whom you are.

I am trying to be proud of whom I am, and that also goes with who I am becoming. I feel as if over the past few months, I have become more abrasive…sharper. I have developed over time in a more positive way-in my eyes at least. Some people may find that because I am blunter, I changed in a negative way.

Well negative shit happens guys. It’s the way life is and no one is ever going to be able to change that. I think it’s always good to look at life with a positive but realistic view. Instead of “The cup is half full/empty.” I think that “The cup if half full of water.” If you are too positive, the negative things will make you crash and burn easier. If you are realistic, you tend to not be happy nor sad/mad. If you’re too negative then you’re more likely to be disappointed more often. I think the energies we give off strongly effect our environment. Whether it’s other people, our home or anything. If you give off a positive energy then more positive things will happen. Same with negative. The two go hand in hand; you can’t have positivity without the negativity and vice versa. It’s just like you can’t have the light without darkness or good without bad.

Why you must appreciate the negative in your life

You should appreciate the negative in life, it is something that although isn’t good for the time being, will really affect you in the long run. For example, my father abused and neglected me. That caused me to be extremely suicidal, and I was stand offish from my friends, laughed and talked less-and I’m a very talkative jokey person!

"Damaged people are dangerous, because they know they can survive."

It really hurt to be such a disappointment to my father. He said and I quote, “I am beginning to hate you Jade.” Then, “Your writing is shit and your dreams of traveling are bullshit. Don’t ask me to read any of your writing anymore!” And the last one is a real kicker, he handed me his knife after dragging me by my hair into the garage saying “If you’re so suicidal, fucking slit your wrists and bleed out fuckhead.” Then he left and locked me in the garage by the door.

Kind of pretty fucking negative haha. But after the most recent beating he gave me, I was cut on my right ass cheek cause he hit me with the metal part of the belt over and over again, causing a few cuts and multiple welts. That night I couldn’t sleep till 4 am and woke up at 5 am for school. I went to the counselors and told them everything. They told Child Protective Services and now here I am, at my mothers house moving to a large house with people who actually love me.

Such a negative experience happened to me yet here I am. I’m happy, open minded, kind and honest. I’m glad I had such negative experiences in my life, not necessarily the beatings but still. If I didn’t have happen to me what did, then I wouldn’t be where I am. I wouldn’t be able to fully appreciate all the good things in my life.

"Art is to console those broken by life." -Van Gogh

You should appreciate what the negative in your life does for you. Yes it is difficult to deal with at the time but in the long run, your fate was already decided. Everything happens for a reason honey.

"When life is difficult, open your eyes and pay attention. It's trying to teach you something."

Why you must appreciate the negative in your life

There's always a little good in the bad and a little bad in the good.
- Ying Yang

Why you must appreciate the negative in your life
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