
Search Results: asking girl out dinner

What does it mean when a girl says she has to study instead of going out?

I have been friends with this girl for 2 years and anway. She messaged me asking if I had to go to work today because of the rain. I said yes but it's very wet, but i'm finishing early. She replied might hang later if...
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(Guys and girls opinions appreciated) Do guys typically mention their girlfriends in conversation? Is it weird if they don't?

***You dont have to read the backstory, I know it's lengthy, but any answers are appreciated*** I'm friends with this guy (I kind of have a crush) but we have been friends for almost 2 months or so. Me and my friend...
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Girl who liked me suddenly gone cold and distant?

I'll try to keep it relatively short: Started seeing a girl that had a crush on me from 2 years ago from high school. We recently met up this summer and went on 2 dates that went quite well, kissed, held hands, and the...
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Ran into a girl very next day after rejection?

So I know this girl from my old job of 2 years and text day and night. We’d been friend but I liked her. I did ask her in the beginning and few weeks before I left. Wed been in contact, she confronted me about it after...
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Girl my boyfriend works with?

There is this girl who works with my boyfriend in the army. She is married with kids and is a religious person... but you wouldn't know it she is quite pretty. Fit. tattoos. boob job you could tell because here boobs were...
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Was I Asking Too Much Of My Boyfriend When I Come To Visit Him?

We are long distance now (I graduated and he is still in school) and summer we were long distance too. I haven’t seen him for about two weeks and he asked me to see him at school 2 hrs away. We argued because I made plans...
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How often a guy would talk to a girl in the beginning of the relationship?

There is this guy in our friends group who said that he went with this girl for two dates, but he mentioned that they don't text each other because they save all the talk when they meet every three weeks. The reason why I...
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Oh no! Should I be worried about my boyfriend and this girl?

I don't know if I should be worried but we're long distance and there's this girl he used to have feelings for that he lost contact with and now he's talking to her again and he asked me if he could start going on dinners...
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GIRLS before I lose my mind... I can't figure her out

So someone who I consider my really good friend texts me and says that she just got dumped by her boyfriend on a Friday. So I'm like uh ok let's try and get trough this. That's at like 2pm. We don't talk the whole day and...
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Asking a long distance girl out?

So I already know I am going to ask her out, I'm going to her prom next month and I'm going to do it then. But I'm not sure how to ask her out. Normally I would think something like "Would you like to grab dinner...
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If White Guys find Black Girls unattractive, why hit on them?

So, I have a friend (not a close one) who sought me out to be friends. He's a white guy (1/4 Vietnamese) and is a very charming funny and intelligent guy. I have a boyfriend (though we are going through a rough patch) and...
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Girls, Would You Feel Ok With Your Boyfriend Hanging Out With Women You Don't Know?

I am in a situation I am uncomfortable with. I'm just curious; if your boyfriend was going to dinner and having drinks with females you never met and have never been invited to meet, would you be bothered? What if he also...
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Is asking my crush to go shopping with me a good idea?

I have crush on a girl at work and I thought I would ask her to go shopping with me. I thought this would be a better idea than a date since it puts less pressure on her? We still can go and have dinner.
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4 Things Girls Always Find Attractive In Guys

Smelling nice A guy must always smell good. There is no girl who wants to kiss a guy smelling sweat. If you want to impress a girl then choose a nice cologne which will remind her of you. Knowing how to cook A guy who...

A Guy's Guide to Girls, Part 1: First Dates

Over the Years Over my years of living I couldn't tell you how many relationships I've been in. I get friends ask me all the time "How do you get so many women Connor?" and "I've been single for 9 months! You've had 4...

50 Things Guys Wish Girls Knew

Yes, there is a list! A well protected, closely guarded document that goes beyond ‘what to wear on the first date’ and delves deep into the things that really matter to the tough ones. Men chase women and women woo men,...

Men "Should" Pay For Dinner My parents explained it to me pretty simply. If you, as in, anybody, male or female, invites someone else out to eat, whether dating, in friendship, a co-worker, anybody, you, the...

Guys: Here's what girls REALLY Want (and Why 50 Shades Doesn't Prove Me Wrong)

60% of the people on earth are female, and 40% are male...may the odds be ever in your favor. I can't predict what every girl on earth wants, but I did have to interview more than 100 people working on a dating project. I...

My Thoughts and Advices on Texting Girls

In our modern age, texting is very much a double edged sword. On the one hand it allows you to get in touch quickly and efficiently and also allows you to be forward if you choose to, yet on the other, texting can put you...

When she doesn't get the hint...

I was completely oblivious to a guy shutting me out of his life. We had been friends, and hoped we would continue to be. The friendship was maintained more on my side than his, but I continued to hear from him and...
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