Search Results: Are a lot of men going to be single for a while

Why a Woman Rejects a Man

You're-probably-a-lesbian, and other falsehoods. When I was single, sometimes men had laid out their charm, hoping I’d pick up on it or be flattered. When I didn’t give them the response they wanted, I discovered that...

Men! You cannot trust (almost all) women!

You probably want to skip this one but I urge you if you are in a hurry at least consider reading the Final words of wisdom section before jumping the gun. Very important disclaimer: I know what you are thinking....

The Red Pill: Or, The Pissed Off Men's Rights Group That "Knows What Women Want"

This is the very first sentence on a list of the Red Pill's "fundamental beliefs" taken off one of their very active websites: "Feminists claim they want equality but what they really want is power without...

Timely Advice - How To Actually Meet Men’s Desires

I was asked to this MyTake as a follow up to a previous one I had done about giving women what they want. That take was more of what men can do for the women in their life. This is what women can do for their man. A few...

The "Role Reversal" argument doesn't work because it's exactly what men want

The reality of the treatment that women receive, the condescension, the objectification, is that it is men projecting onto women how they want to be treated. This is for a number of reasons that I plan to get into here...

Crying. Boyfriend dumped me for an older woman. Don’t guys still prefer to date younger girls?

First of all, don’t be fooled by my age. It says that I’m in my early thirties but I’m really 24 (I put early thirties by mistake when I joined and don’t know how to fix it). He’s 33 and the girl he left me for is 34. He...
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What makes Men and Women different?

this is a deceptively difficult question. most people's first answer, i think, would be "well, it's biology". but the situation there is actually incredibly vague. this is fairly long, but it's just going into the details...

Men Have Problems Too, Or Are We Not Allowed to Talk About Them...?

Hello! **Before I get into this myTake I want you to read this with an open mind and read everything before you comment please. I know some of you won't like what I'm going to say because you think that I'm saying...

Do Women Have Unrealistic Expectations For Men?

I just wanted to share my viewpoints as to why many women--NOT ALL WOMEN, but many women--are unrealistic about their standards for men. I'm going to be very raw and very real; because I'm hoping that this eventually...

The Importance of a Woman in Her Man's Life, and How She Can be a Better Partner for Him!

Disclaimer: Whatever is stated below was written under the assumption of a proper, functioning relationship. Without further ado, here is: The importance of a woman in her man's life, and how she can be a better partner...

Masculinity and Femininity: The Ideal Man and Woman

I should mention a few things before I dive into this article. These are my opinions, based on my observations and conversations with people. When I say ideal, I mean nobody is perfect. I mean just being the best...

Why Women Are Single! A warning on how to avoid a lifetime of singlehood & misery!

• Your a feminist. What man wants to get involved in that bullshit, maybe a male feminist but women don't want them. • You are a single mother. Most single mother's are generally good for just a pump n' dump, there's a...

Why You're Still Single

You're single because you choose to be so. Whether consciously, subconsciously, directly or indirectly through your actions, you choose to be single for reasons only you know yourself. If you truly want to find someone,...

The Real Reason Why Women Are Single

Yes, I am a man, and I am telling women why they are single. I know that it is taboo for men to tell women why they are single, but when you have over hundreds of women on Snap Chat and you interact with them and see...

Debunking Feminism: 5 Privileges Women Experience Over Men

From dominating the social welfare network and receiving the most government handouts to the biased divorce courts, alimony, and draconian child support laws, women have it pretty good in Western society. There are few,...

Thoughts on How Men Are Now More Likely to Be Single Than Women. It's Not a Good Sign!

I find it interesting that according to an article written by Belinda Luscombe, almost a third of adult single men live with a parent. Single men are much more likely to be unemployed, financially fragile and to lack a...

I'm Addicted To Being Single

There you have it. I said it. The big secret is out. Hot Alpha Female loves being single. Addicted to it even. More addicted than I am to chocolate. So spread the word. But not too far because eventually I'd like to get...

Finally, Why Men Do Not Want To Date Single Moms, Explained!

Part three in my series of explaning things that women often do not understand about men. So. If you've been online, or in real life, or watched tv, or spoken to other human beings, you know that for a huge percen of...

10 Things I Learnt After Being Single For So Long

I had been single and sexless for 2 years 5 months 7 days. It was by choice, not because "I was a loser" as some may think and label; or because I am one of those women who think they don't need a man. I am an...

The Cold, Honest Truth of Why You’re Single That the Internet is Too Afraid to Say

Work is abnormally slow, so to keep my writing biceps strong, I’m utilizing this sub-par site to prevent myself from getting rusty. I rarely get to write opinion columns or editorials, so I figure this is the next best...