Search Results: How do I forgive him

How can I be a more forgiving person?

This is painful to admit but I have had a long time personality quirk of either holding long time grudges against people OR completely forgiving and forgetting about their transgressions only to have them screw me over...
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So a human is capable of forgiving if they wanted to?

The most extraordinary case I've heard of forgiveness was about a married couple that forgave a drunk driver for killing their only (a young adult) child. They didn't want to continue living with hatred nor vengeances....
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Will he forgive me after telling his girlfriend he cheated on her?

Will he forgive me after telling his girlfriend he cheated on her? i told the guy's girlfriend I was in a casual relationship with that he was cheating on her with me in the heat of the moment when I thought he was...
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“Men forget but never forgive. Women forgive but never forget.”?

“Men forget but never forgive. Women forgive but never forget.” Guys and Girls what do you think ?
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Why did God had to kill his son (Jesus) in order to forgive our sins? Why didn't he just forgive without such killing?

Why did God had to kill his son (Jesus) in order to forgive our sins why didn't he just forgive without such killing?
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My boyfriend won't forgive my mother, is he right?

My mother has been fake nice to him for nearly 4 years. In the past she has meddled in our relationship and once tried to purposely break us up by spreading a lie about him to others. She did a peaceful,...
My mother has been fake nice to him for nearly 4 years. In the past she has meddled in our relationship and once tried to purposely break us up by spreading a lie about him to others. Show More
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My new Girlfriend is mad at me and wants a break how to make her forgive me?

I started dating this girl for a month and it's a new relationship. We have dated 8 times so far. Last time we met was 4 days ago and I could notice a sharp decline in her interest in talking to me for last 2 days. When I...
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Should we forgive Cuba and normalize relations , why do we still punish them for something that happened 60 years ago?

Why do we continue to punish Cuba for something that happened 60 years ago? JFK is dead, LBJ is dead, Fidel Castro is dead, his brother is no longer in power. All the political leaders on both sides are dead. USSR is now...
Why do we continue to punish Cuba for something that happened 60 years ago? JFK is dead, LBJ is dead, Fidel Castro is dead, his brother is no longer in power. All the political leaders Show More
Yes , lets forgive and forget and move forward
No, we should keep punishing them for something that happened 60 years ago and treat it like we do slavery issue here.
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Why does he keep forgiving me?

a bit of background info. this is a guy who I've had a crush on for almost three years now. we dont really see each other much (different cities and schools). he's asked me out once for a date over the summer. was great....
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Is forgiving everyone too much?

What about if someone maliciously drained years of your life, took advantage of your kindness (your then young childish mind who once saw good in people), faked even the friendship and went out of their ways to destroy...
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How to get my ex to forgive me?

How can I get my ex to forgive me we were together for 3 years I kissed a boy in a truth or dare game he found out it’s been 3 years since that and in this 3 years we been shagging and still speak everyday so what’s the...
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How forgiving are you?

Some things are unforgivable. But what about the little things? Are you good at forgiving? What was something you forgave naturally that surprised even you? My first truck as a teen I washed and waxed probably three...
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Is it really posible for a human to forgive and forget someone that made your life miserable?

My older sister's former tormentors are now her MIL and SIL. They treated her horrible when she and her now husband were in their 1st year of their relationship. Many years ago. Even though the tormentors apologized...
My older sister's former tormentors are now her MIL and SIL. They treated her horrible when she and her now husband were in their 1st year of their relationship. Many years ago. Show More
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Is there someone you're willing to forgive right here right now, if so, leave their first name below, and what you're forgiving them for?

Forgiving does not mean what they did was ok, or even that you have to have them in your life, it just means you deserve peace, you're letting it go. You won't speak bad of them anymore, you won't be dwelling on the...
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If they cheated on you with your best friend, is it possible to still forgive them?

This is just a general question. Most of the times, people dump them and never speak to them again. However, lets say someone decides to take another route: the one about forgiving and giving them a 2nd chance. Is that...
This is just a general question. Most of the times, people dump them and never speak to them again. However, lets say someone decides to take another route: the one about forgiving and Show More
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Is it common for a former cheater to be more forgiving if they got cheated back?

Person A cheats on Person B. B forgives A. Then several years later, B falls into temptation and cheats for different reason. A forgives more easier and quicker....
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Ladies, would you forgive your husband/partner through sex?

I mean, for example, if your husband cheated on you or did something wrong with you and you were offended by him, if the resentment continued for a long time, would you forgive him when he wanted to have sex to make up...
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What makes people think that it is our obligation to forgive them?

Why would people hurt someone years later expect forgiveness my 39 year old sister called me a resenful and she belives that i should forgive her and actas if nothing happened that easily. My sister has always been the...
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If you're not going to get forgiven, it's it better walking away without apologizing at all?

My now ex friend discovered her now ex boyfriend and I have been getting it on for 4 months. Though I've put an end to it last month but she still found the old texts. It's unlikely I'll ever get forgiven so this was my...
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What's the worse you can forgive to the one you love the most?

Few weeks ago, I was on my way home in a bus. One male and one female was sharing their lives horror stories. They were not drunk but based on their looks, raggy clothes and voice, I could easily tell they were poor...
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