20 d

So a human is capable of forgiving if they wanted to?

The most extraordinary case I've heard of forgiveness was about a married couple that forgave a drunk driver for killing their only (a young adult) child. They didn't want to continue living with hatred nor vengeances. Obviously that's the maximum level of forgiveness you can get from a human; for taking away their most precious treasure.

So a person is capable of forgiving even the highest offense ever and yet most of us can't even forgive someone for much lesser offenses. Not even getting cheated on in a relationship compares to what that couple went through. If a human is capable of stretching forgiveness like that, then it basically means nothing is really unforgivable. It's unforgivable to the person but not globally unforgivable. If someone wanted to forgive, then it would be forgivable to that person.

So a human is capable of forgiving if they wanted to?
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