If a cheater got caught in an awful way (in the act), can trust really be regained?


I'm impressed with my parents' endurance, given their past infidelity decades ago. Obviously I was too young to even form sentences at the time. Actually I wasn't even born when mom cheated first and they weren't married yet. Yup they still got married later on.

Mom got caught (on his couch with his former friend... the journal I read had the graphic details of it, more than what I'm even posting) and dad cheated back years later but at least he felt terrible and confessed himself shortly. I know they worked it out long ago. Though if the cheater got caught, can trust really be regained in that case? If they confess at least there is a small chance since the person came clean but if they got caught, that has to be nearly impossible.

Apart from the hard work they did, I would like to know how is the relationship like if they stay together. Can a human really be capable of forgiving and forgetting that and regain trust if they wanted to? Personally I don't think I can work that, no matter how much counseling sessions, no way I would overcome that.

No way, no human can overcome that
Yes, anything except death is possible
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If a cheater got caught in an awful way (in the act), can trust really be regained?
7 Opinion