Would you be honest about your childhood trauma with your significant other and would you want them to be honest with you?

I have a lot of unresolved trauma from my childhood sexual abuse. It doesn’t affect me much but it does affect me where i am not as sexually comfortable, i am a bit scared of men but I am working on that as I have male coworkers now however they always notice and point out that i flinch a lot and I had a coworker try to whisper something in my ear today and i moved away and he said “why are you running away from me?” And i honestly just did it unintentionally but i bullshitted my way fast and told him i thought you wanted to pass by that’s why i moved away. I also can’t control flinching or reacting to things I am just jumpy. I am not sure if my boyfriend would appreciate honesty should i tell him so he is aware of the reasons i react to things or should I keep things to myself. It affects our sexual life a bit but he is understanding and approachable anyway. I have tried therapy but i just can’t talk about this if its not anonymous cause i feel embarrassed.
Would you be honest about your childhood trauma with your significant other and would you want them to be honest with you?
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