Search Results: How do you feel about those racists who complains

Wtf is it with white girls and feminism? Why don’t they complain about inequalities that actually exist? Why do they feel so entitled and superior?

In this modern age, I just don’t align myself with the feminist movement at all. It’s become the biggest joke of a movement in world history. You have all these women supposedly pushing for equality when it already...
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White Americans are some of the least racist people on earth yet are deemed the most racist true or false?

blacks are multiple times more likely to kill whites than the other other way around and this is true for violent criminal behavior in general and this is according to the FBI which is the lead law enforcement agency in...
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Hating white people is also racist

I am a British Pakistani and even though I am a Pakistani, I am not bias at all. Perhaps, I am the first person to break my silence on this. I feel a lot of growing hatred against white people especially the English...

Why FSU's use of the Seminole Nation's name and image is NOT racist!

I received my BS degree from FSU in 1975 and my law degree from FSU in 1986. I love my alma mater and I am quite proud to have two degrees from such a great school. I recently asked whether it is racist for FSU to use the...
OlderAndWiser u

I don't like how my boyfriend treats me. Then, he blames me for being upset. What's really going on?

First off, it's really hard to take your own advice you give to others. So I'd like to know what other people think about this situation. I've been with this guy whose from a different background/raised differently than...
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I No Longer Feel Connected To Conservatives In America

I feel embarrassed to be a conservative in this day and age in this joke of a country. My parents claim to be "independents" meaning they're not affiliated with either liberal or conservative ideology. I consider myself...

Some Imperial advices for the young conservative White men who feel HOPELESS in this Modern World

I will start this Take by wishing a happy 2019 for all you GAGers! This Take is intended for all those young conservative White men who feel that they have got stuck in the "cultural war" and seem to be skeptical about...

An Open Letter to Women Who Were Offended By Trump's Sexually Explicit Language

Really? Of all the things to be concerned about this election and you are throwing a fit because of locker room banter between two old white guys whom everyone knows are dicks? Living in Northern California my entire...

Is it wrong to hate your own country?

I live in the UK and I tell you if you're not some middle class person who has the privilege to live life with rose tinted glasses and lives in the country, life is fucking miserable. I know this might sound racist but I...
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President Trump Racism Row And Inhumanity: Wake Up People!

I have been itching to write this MyTake, when this news story came out I knew I would write something about it. Every single time I hear this story on the news, I am itching to just get up from my seat, sprint to my...

Why people become more conservative/libertarian through life's experiences and getting older (CAUTION: LONG READ)

Some people hate that title, but this is true (for the most part). To give you some background I think back to my late teens and early 20's, a time when you are exposed to more politics because of your age and because you...

Breaking It Down: Bias < Fact - Part Two

" "Victims were physically assaulted and raped by as many as five men at a time, or obliged to have sex with "several men in a day, several times a week".The victims, plied with drugs and alcohol, were passed around...

Dear White People: It's Not [All] About You

A few months ago, I posted a question on this very site about Netflix creating a show around the much talked about movie ‘Dear White People’ that would have the same name. And, to no surprise, this sparked outrage. Well,...

Why I dislike neofeminism and I believe it to be harmful ideology

Before I dive into detail let me state a fe disclaimers so we are on the same page - I am equalists. I do believe that we all should have same rights and responsibilities no matter sex, race or convictions - I have...

Dumb Things (Some People) Say to Minorities and Immigrants

This is America... This is like telling tall people, "you're tall." There is no confusion on where a person is, but the implication that "in America, you do this, therefore everyone has to be the same" is a falsity. Even...

"White Privilege" - An excuse or a real problem?

White Privilege vs. The Race-Card - True or False? I realize I will get a lot of flack for posting this, but I'm going to do it anyway because I feel this is an issue that needs to be addressed. I am NOT trying to make...

8 Types Of Toxic People

8 Types Of Toxic People 🧡💛💚💙💜♥️ Hi guys and girls. This will be my concluding mytake for toxic people. I really hope these will be useful to those with toxic people in their lives. So far, I have covered "6 Reasons...

Dear (Some) White People...

Dear (some) white people, When I was in the third grade one of you actually sat next to me and said, "if I were a slave owner back in the olden days, I would have been really nice to you." Um, follow up questions...why...

Why Evil Is Actually Good

1. Racism We all like to think that we are non-racist and perfectly tolerant of each other. But the reality is, we are all evil racists. In a society that condemns racism, we hide our racism through layers and layers of...

Millennial's: A super long essay on how Millennial's ruined the world.

You see the headlines all the time: “Millennial's are killing this”. It’s usually followed by a long rant about how millennial's are basically garbage humans. When I first started to see articles like this, I immediately...