Why Evil Is Actually Good


1. Racism

We all like to think that we are non-racist and perfectly tolerant of each other. But the reality is, we are all evil racists. In a society that condemns racism, we hide our racism through layers and layers of artificiality and affected behavior. If we are not valuing and protecting our families at the expense of other families, then we may be valuing and protecting our nation. If we are not valuing and protecting the nation at the expense of other nations, then we may be valuing and protecting the human population at the expense of other species. We are always doing something for ourselves or for the sake of others who we perceive as worthy to be saved (at the expense of other living things). We make up justifications to support sentient life, even though the reality is, sentience is an immeasurable philosophical concept. Like it or not, I believe that racism is necessary, because racism makes us care about the ones we love at the expense of the ones we don't love.

Figure 1. Racism.
Figure 1. Racism.

2. Sexism

Men and women are not created exactly the same. Nature has made men and women unique and different. Actually, nature has made all human beings unique and different. Some human beings just don't fit in their environment. When this happens, they may seek help from others to adjust better and fit in a different environment. When people don't fit in the environment, and receive no assistance from others, they will lead a very unhappy life and may even die out sooner than the happier and more well-adjusted ones. Some women really do want what men already enjoy, and if they can't get it, then they will call that sexism. Some men really do want what women already enjoy, and if they can't get it, then they will call that sexism. Like it or not, I believe that sexism is necessary, because sexism makes us care about our own sex and gender at the expense of other sexes and genders.

3. Homophobia

Homosexuality is the sexual preference of people of the same sex. Homophobia is the aversion of homosexuality. In the past, death was all too common. Men were needed to defend the territory and protect women and children. Women were needed to make more men. It was absolutely necessary to control the female population. Females might whine and complain why they had to marry an ugly old guy instead of the hot young guy down the street, but then again, they should be happy that the ugly old guy could feed her and clothe her and shelter her while forcing her to make his offspring. Nowadays, humans do not die from predation anymore. Now, humans die from war, diseases of poverty and affluence, and famine. Humans in rich nations have reduced a lot of the selective pressures on them, and this can be a problem. Human population grows at an exponential rate, and all these humans want life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Maybe it's a good thing that humans are promoting same-sex marriage and homosexuality. Same-sex couples can't reproduce their own offspring biologically, so they do society a great favor by adopting children produced by opposite-sex couples. It's also a good thing that homophobia exists. Homophobia adds negative stress to these gay peoples' lives, and if gay people feel distress, then they do something about their situation and promote change.

4. Murder

Humans are evil. They will murder each other for whatever reason. Some people murder other humans for revenge, for honor, for glory, etc. Whatever the case may be, murder is necessary, because murderers fill up the prison cells and give prison guards a job. So, murder should be tolerated to a small degree, but should also be condemned to a large degree.

5. Theft

Humans steal. Mom says she loves all her children. Then, she gives a cookie to her youngest. The older one feels jealous and says, "It's not fair!" When Mom isn't looking, the older one tricks the younger one into giving away the cookie. The younger one loses out. The older one wins. The winner will always think that life is fair and equal. The loser will always think that the winner is corrupt and evil.

6. Abortion & Infanticide

We may think that abortion/infanticide is evil and should be condemned. But, do we really want pedophiles in the world to commit child molestation, murderers in the world to commit murder, thieves in the world to commit theft? There is a genetic basis for pedophilia, actually, but pedophiles can control these sexual urges and become "virtuous pedophiles". They do not marry people of the opposite sex, because marrying people of the opposite sex results in children, and they do not want to harm children, especially their own. To prevent pedophilia and sociopathy from occurring in the first place, maybe it's a good thing that abortion is supported.

7. Euthanasia

Some people feel overwhelming suffering and pain in their lives. Others feel that they have outlived their usefulness. They want to die, because death is a relief to suffering. Maybe we should allow these people to die. If one person dies, then that is not a problem. The world will still continue. If one society dies, then that is still not a problem. The world will still continue. If all humans in the world disappear, then that is still not a problem. The world will still continue. If humans are eradicated from the planet, then the Earth may just rejuvenate itself. Even if the Sun dies, then that is still not a problem. The entire universe will expand and expand, and then the Big Freeze will be the ultimate fate of the universe. May the universe forever rest in peace!

8. Meat

Meat is mostly made of protein and fats. The amino acids can be utilized by the body. Undigested components are left out in dung. Some people like the flavor of meat. They think meat tastes delicious. They want the deliciousness and nutritional value. Many evil people like to eat meat. They don't care about animal rights. They just care about their own rights. These people may be evil and selfish, but at the very least, they are alive and healthy until they die one day. Don't worry, vegans. These evil, selfish meat-eaters will eventually die one day.

Figure 2. Good vs. Evil.
Figure 2. Good vs. Evil.

All humans are afraid of death. Physical pain is detected by nociceptors, and suffering is the result of some kind of neural network in the brain. The human body tries to avoid negative stimuli, because negative stimuli may cause harm or death to the individual. But eventually, something in the body breaks down, and the body ages and dies. This is part of the natural cycle of life. Instead of seeing pain, suffering, and death as absolutely evil, we may want to see those things as part of nature. We are part of nature. We live. We are conscious. Then, we die.

Let us welcome death!

Why Evil Is Actually Good
87 Opinion