Search Results: How to introduce yourself to your crush

How to introduce yourself to your crush?

I have a crush on a senior at my school, and next semester I will be in class with him for the first time. How do I introduce myself?
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How to Become a Regular in Your Favorite Pub and Why You Should Become Friends With Your Crush Bartender Instead of Hitting on Her

We all like a certain bar. There's always a place you like to go more than others, for different reasons. The atmosphere, price of drinks, friendly staff. and every once in a while, you meet this special bartender... I...

Sometimes, a girlfriend can solve all your problems

Do you know that stereotypical awkward, lonely, nervous, shy average guy? Yup, that's me. As a result of bullying in my childhood, I became a prime example of that stereotype, and the consequence? 20 years of loneliness...

The Conversation Monster

It comes up with every crush: "They're hot. They're funny. They're so, so cool. I think we'd be perfect together. So how do I talk to them?" Hard question to answer. How do you get up the nerve to approach the...

A Closer Look at the "Nice Guy/Girl" in its Natural Habitat: How These Delusional People Get Their Title

I know I'm basically ripping off @ChronicThinker at this point but I just want to add myTake on this... See what I...? Nevermind. This is not to take the piss out of anyone, but I will be very happy if it does regardless....

(Part II) Women: The reasons why men approaching you is a DISADVANTAGE for them

Alright, so hopefully you've read part I. If you haven't here's the link: 👆 Click on that and read it. It...

A Message To Anyone That Has Experienced Rejection

To anyone that has felt rejection, please read this. I can offer you some incentive and possibly some hope :) Since fifth grade I was rejected by boys. The first boys name was Paul. I liked Paul in fifth grade. His...

An open letter to my boyfriend!

When I first saw you 5 years ago, I never thought you would mean to me what you do now. Then you were just another cute little shy guy who was awkward around me, not knowing you had a huge crush on me then. I got a bit...

Holiday, Christmas Break Ups

The holidays. A time for love, togetherness, food, fun, gift-giving, and... breaking up? According to research, the two week period preceding the winter holidays is the peak breakup period. While many of us are...
GirlsAskGuys a

Why Pick-Up Should Be Taught in Schools

Pick-Up is often stigmatized as this 'manipulative' practice of 'tricking' women to have sex with a guy. But it's really much, much more than that, and much different than that those who believe what it is. This whole art...

An exclusive interview with one of GAG's most loved user...

Once upon a time, @Doomguy asked me to interview him. The results to our lovely discussion are below ;) What is your favourite thing about GAG? The wild women, The ripping and the tearin'

Types of Women Men Should Not Date

I recently found a take titled "Types of Men, Women Should not Date," and I thought to myself, why should there only be a guide for women? :P Here are the types of Women Men should not date. 1. The Beautiful, Stuck up...

The Importance of Passions

This is about the importance of expressing one's passions. Not sexual passion, but every other kind of passion - tapping into and connecting with what you care about, what provides meaning, what matters most to you....

14 Bizarre Villages That Actually Exist

As I have learned over the years, there are a lot of strange things in this world. Some so strange that you have to see them for yourself to believe them. Throughout my years of researching foreign lands, I have come...

How to have Success with Women if you're Shy and Insecure

Background: I write this as a formerly shy and insecure guy who had no skill or confidence around girls. If any of this sounds familiar to you, I want to help change your mindset. I honestly believe that if you take on...

Just A Piece To A Much Bigger Puzzle

This story is from my heart. First, I'd like to introduce myself, my name is Jesse. Sometimes we are faced with making decisions that we may not even know we are making in life. This story is an example of that: The...

Answering the Most Frequently Asked Questions raised by girls about guys!

Hello and welcome everyone! It’s your boy Hal and this take might be interesting for some stuck-up girls finding answers to those standard, old questions that keep bothering almost every girl in her twenties. So, let’s...

How to Attract Girls as a Nice Guy

Nice guys finish last That is a sentence that we all hear, dear nice guys. And unfortunately, it is the truth. Whether we try to impress girls by buying her sweet things or by being there for her if she needs us - we get...

Pageants vs Modelling. Which one should you choose?

Hello fellow beautiful humans, I am here with another take that will most likely only get a few opinions but hey , who cares right? Even if one of you enjoy this, it is worth the effort and time. Today's topic is pageants...

A Guy's Guide to Girls, Part 1: First Dates

Over the Years Over my years of living I couldn't tell you how many relationships I've been in. I get friends ask me all the time "How do you get so many women Connor?" and "I've been single for 9 months! You've had 4...