How to Become a Regular in Your Favorite Pub and Why You Should Become Friends With Your Crush Bartender Instead of Hitting on Her

How to Become a Regular in Your Favorite Pub and Why You Should Become Friends With Your Crush Bartender Instead of Hitting on Her

We all like a certain bar. There's always a place you like to go more than others, for different reasons. The atmosphere, price of drinks, friendly staff. and every once in a while, you meet this special bartender...

I started going to my favorite bar on a weekly basis with my friends. We all like it there, it became the place we like to hang out when we want a drink over the week. I'm not gonna lie. The reason I came back was mostly because I developped a massive crush on one of the bartenders, but I was smart enough to quickly realise it won't go anywhere, especially when I saw the other customers trying to flirt with her, but they never came back. I did. So even though she noticed I was into her, I never flirted.

Just polite conversation, a few tips, and being as kind as possible without hitting on her. She liked the change of pace, and welcomed me whenever I came back. You go from "possible creep" to "favorite customer" in a few weeks.

After two months, I realised me and friends became valuable customers. The staff knows who we are, even the bouncer stopped asking for our ID's and even hugs us when he sees us, and chats with us in our booth when he needs a break. The bartender I like also let her guard down with me, and we are now on a first name basis and the other bartenders also respects us and we even having conversations while they serve us.

So you like your bar and you want to be a regular, and get to know your crush bartender without passing for a creep ? Here's how I did :

If the bar is busy, be quick.

Ask for a simple order like a beer or whiskey. Pay in cash. Tip if you think the bartender is tired and still kind to you. It's the least you can do and I promise they will be happy to see you again

You have a crush on your bartender ? DON'T FLIRT.

Be the friend instead. Tip when you can, be polite, give nice comments (ex "its good to see you btw" but NEVER compliment them on their beauty, no matter how hot they are) I have seen guys do that to the bartender I liked, and she just said a polite "thank you" and she avoided them the rest of the night.

If your bartender accidently slipped some alcohol on the bar, offer to clean it up for them so they can keep working.

I promise they will appreciate it and you will immediatly win major points.

After a while, when they become familiar with you and have a few conversation, ask them for their names, and tell them yours.

It's much more easier to get served quickly when they know who you are and they know you will always come back.


I always order a maximum of three drinks , so I know i won't get too drunk and when you are, bartenders lose their respect for you. Trust me, they will have much more trust in you if they know you won't drink too much and puke all over the toilets leaving them to clean after you.

And finally...Get to know the bouncer.

Get them to trust you and know you will never do anything to piss them off. If you go outside for a smoke, introduce yourself to them and have conversations. They will let their guard down with you and will become more friendly with time. And if the bartenders notice that you are friends with the bouncers, they will trust you and respect you even more.

How to Become a Regular in Your Favorite Pub and Why You Should Become Friends With Your Crush Bartender Instead of Hitting on Her
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