An exclusive interview with one of GAG's most loved user...

Once upon a time, @Doomguy asked me to interview him. The results to our lovely discussion are below ;)

What is your favourite thing about GAG?

The wild women, The ripping and the tearin'

How did you find GAG?

I must've been up late searching for something then I took a few wrong turns and ended up here

An exclusive interview with one of GAG's most loved user...

What are some of your hobbies?


PC gaming/building, dog stuff (not exactly a hobby but it does take time) and soon I'm looking to get into air-softing

Is there a story behind your use of memes?

It all began a few years began, back when I was still in high school. A friend of mine introduced me to rage faces/comics and I liked what I saw so I went looking for more. After years of searching on the internet I finally became a meme master. In the end I'd say that it was the memes that found me (if you know what I mean, things just got deep there)
I got to a point in my life where I realised 'there's a meme for that

Did you ever have a GAG crush

I did have one but she told me I was too young.

Then she told me to go back to the play pen etc. I couldn't believe it

I've also had some bromance on the side (fullhomo)

An exclusive interview with one of GAG's most loved user...

What’s the most embarrassing moment of your life so far?

It all began a few years back, I was doing gymnastics in a PE lesson (against my will).
Then up came a part where I had to do a vault. I did the vault and landed straight on my head in front of the whole class. That was my first and last gymnastics lesson. Never again

An exclusive interview with one of GAG's most loved user...

What fictional character do you identify with the most?

That would be Doomguy, he kills things, he don't talk much he's an all round goodguy and he just gets stuff done (and he also cares about the environment)

I also I identify with ryoga hibiki. Usually when I go to a new place I end up getting lost. There was this time when I travelled into London (excel centre) I was fine on the way there but on the way back I got completely lost. I think I spent about two hours walking . . . In the wrong direction (I seriously though I was going the right way). I can feel his pain

What’s the nicest thing you’ve ever heard about yourself? What do you WANT to hear about yourself?

A friend of mine compimented me on my trolling skills (I can't remember his exact words) It's nice to be recognised for your talent you know ? Back then my work was full of sarcasm, jokes puns random pictures etc. The teachers used to find it funny but they still asked me to re-do it

I suppose I'd like to hear people praise my K/D and MLG skills

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Racks of ribs. If the vegans complain then they'll just have to deal with it

What actor would play you in a movie about your life?

Uh . . . I'm not really well versed when it comes to actors, besides I'd rather my life be made into an anime instead

Which describes your personality… naughty or nice?

Mischievous but nice

If you inherited or won a million dollars, what would you do with it?

First I'd be paranoid and hire private security (that come with helicopter), then I'd buy a custom water loop and after that I'd use the cash to remove all kebab from this website. KRU stronk

What's your least favourite thing about GAG.

Level 1 turks

If you had the chance to meet someone from GAG, who would you want to meet?

That's a tough choice out of my followers. I think I'd go with Paris13 (A.K.A. Christ-chan) that woman is different you know ? I think I'd go with the nod and smile routine

From all the features introduced on GAG which one is your favourite i.e. invite, mention, etc

The new features are good and all but it's the old features that matter. They took away the profile personality types and I want them back

I want to be known as a gamer again

An exclusive interview with one of GAG's most loved user...

An exclusive interview with one of GAG's most loved user...
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