Search Results: What s the best way to move on from someone

Whats the best way to move on from someone who broke your heart and trust?

Someone who you cared for and did everything for them and just for them to take you for granted and took all that you gave them to only throw it all away
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How do I move on from him?

I recently confessed to my closest guy friend, and as I knew I didn't have a chance, I told him I needed some space and he said some things that make it difficult to move on from him. "It hasn't changed anything or...
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How to move on from someone who hurt you

I guess you could say that I'm an Empath; a person with the ability to perceive the emotional state of another individual. When someone hurts me (emotionally) I react either two ways; I lash out. Or, I think long and hard...

How to Move On From Someone

Relationships don't last forever. From the moment you start dating someone in the back of your mind you know that...Even if you don't want to think about it. Right now, your relationship ended and you probably are a mess,...

How do you get over someone you still love?

How? No matter what you do or you try your best to just MOVE ON with your life and from that person , you do your best to forget them 🤦🏻‍♀️ Shoot you have even tried dating but that LOVE is still there and dam it’s...
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Why has my boyfriend allowed his Best friend to disrespect me?

First off, all 3 of us live together and that can cause tension. My bf's bestie has been rude to me on many occasions. These incidents may seem minimal, but added up they are pure disrespect. John❤ has been besties with...
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How to make a move/kiss a girl that I’ve been talking to for a while?

So I’ve been talking to this girl for a while now around 3 months or so. For the last month we were on winter break so I haven’t seen her in person in over a month. We still talked pretty frequently and played games...
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I moved on, thinking that he left me after 2 weeks of ignoring. He said sorry and explained what happened. What should I do?

My boyfriend ignored me for 2 weeks and his phone was actually broken. We're apart from each other and i really thought he abandoned me. He's a good guy but still i need to question for his dark sides i may not know...
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Different Ways and Places to Meet Someone

What’s the first thing you think of when you find out a friend met someone online?  What if they met someone through work?  What about the bar scene? How we choose to find someone, or where we are at the time when we meet...

She had "grass is greener syndrome." Letting her go and dropping off radar best thing to do?

Ex girlfriend of mine broke up with me after 3 year relationship. We had an amazing relationship, we were and still are compatible in just about every way (with enough differences to keep things fresh and fun of course)....
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I'm in love with my wife's best friend for many years now, and it doesn't seem to fade away. What should I do?

Many years ago I meet my (now) wife and her friends for the first time. There was this girl there which captured my attention and I couldn't look away, from a distance I stand, not to look like a creep. Unfortunately at...
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What do you think about cutting someone out of your life completely after a break up?

I am not friends with any of my exes, they are not part of my life in any way anymore. My latest ex is still friends with all of his exes... except me now. I used to always think that not having them in your life was...
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My boyfriend left me for his ex...where do I go from here? I'm dying inside

10 mo together, and the entire labor day weekend spent together we were just fine. my ex even complained that he wanted to spend more time on the phone with me at night. the past 3 weeks were crazy, getting him moved up...
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Have you ever experienced a relationship with someone with Bi Polar Depression?

My ex wife was diagnosed with BPD and being in that kind of relationship I thought I could handle it , but the truth is I couldn’t , It’s like being with someone that loves you like crazy and then a flip of a switch she...
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Does this guy just want me for sex... or should I move on?

I met this guy 3 months ago. Our first date went really well and on our second date one thing led to another and we had sex. He had previously told me how he travels a lot for work and that he would be in NY for 2 weeks...
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I'm so confused and I have no idea what my ex wants from me. Please help me understand should I move on?

So I have formed a big connection with this one guy. We clicked right away and started having a more intimate reletionship 2 weeks into knowing each other. Now I do agree that the both of us moved onto a reletionship...
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How do I restart a good thing and great conversation with someone on line that died out because of the holidays?

Over 2 weeks ago I met the most amazing woman online, but unfortunately we live 3 hours apart. Things were going great and we were talking 4-8 hours a day minimum, moved off the site onto Facebook messenger and WhatsApp...
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I feel as if I tried with my crush, I believe that he just don't see me in a romantic way?

We flirt, sent pictures and just overall I feel had fun with it, the thing is the vibe isn't the same, and I believe instead of him saying that straight up he's playing it out cause maybe he doesn't want to hurt my...
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Guys what does my ex wants from me?

My ex boyfriend and I broke up after 1 year of relationship. For the past 4 months of the relationship, we continue to kept in contact and texted because we are still bonded by our pet. 90% conversation largely revolves...
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Does debating and talking about gender differences just an exercise in futility. Or has someone ever talked you into changing your mind?

It’s seems like men and women more than ever talk, debate and argue over gender differences nowadays but to no avail. Some problems get worse instead of better. However there is one issue women talked to me about that...
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