Have you ever experienced a relationship with someone with Bi Polar Depression?

My ex wife was diagnosed with BPD and being in that kind of relationship I thought I could handle it , but the truth is I couldn’t , It’s like being with someone that loves you like crazy and then a flip of a switch she becomes this evil person toward you , that doesn’t love you anymore and treats you like constant shit , needed space from you all of a sudden , leaving you with constant question marks over your head as to why is this person that loved me , treating me this way all of a sudden? , It’s almost the same feeling you get when you feel someone is cheating on you and the truth is they probably are. Anything you say or do while they are going through their episode is pretty much pointless , they attack you like you are this horrible person and make you feel like maybe you are a horrible person , when really you aren’t. Leaving you wondering if you should stay or move on , the second you choose to move on , they act like you are crazy and they try to play a victim acting like they loved you this whole time to try to suck you back in , Getting away from that type of relationship was the best thing that happened in my life but it also effected me as well, as a person , It’s harder for me to fully give my heart to a girl now because of the shit my ex did to me , When I meet a girl that is sweet and caring and tells me all great things , I want to believe her but part of me can’t , because I had my heart shit on , Anyone ever experience a BPD partner that fucked you up?
Have you ever experienced a relationship with someone with Bi Polar Depression?
4 Opinion