In the Name of Equality, Women Should Be Compensated for Their Suffering

In the Name of Equality, Women Should Be Compensated for Their Suffering

There is talk about including women in the draft. The thing is, that is one of the few benefits of being female that help balance the many other negative aspects.

Some negative aspects are obvious. Bleeding from our genitals & cramping for 25% of our reproductive-life, being at constant risk of pregnancy, having to endure pregnancy and birth in order for access to biological children. The risk of being raped, & potentially being forced to carry a child to term & give birth against our will, by anti-abortion laws.

But there are also others.

Consistent studies show that women:

Experience more intense & more frequent pain than men (x) (x)

Experience more intense, more numerous, and more frequent bodily symptoms than men (x)

Are overrepresented in several chronic pain conditions, such as migraine and tension-type

headaches, temporomandibular disorders, fibromyalgia, and irritable bowel syndrome, with female to male ratios ranging from 2:1 to 9:1 (x)

Exhibit greater sensitivity to noxious stimuli (x)

Experience much more stress than men, and are much more likely than men to report physical and emotional symptoms of stress (x)

Experience many less orgasms than men (x)

Show less brain activity to positive visual stimuli & greater sensitivity to negative visual stimuli (x)

Experience more frequent sadness, anxiety, anger, malaise, and aches (x)

Experience PTSD at more than twice the frequency of men (x)

Experience more frequent depression (x)

Experience 30% more distress than men (x)

In the Name of Equality, Women Should Be Compensated for Their Suffering

Including women in the draft will only tip this suffering gap further, thereby producing even further inequality in suffering.

I will agree with including women in any occurring draft if the following happens: Women are compensated in other ways for all the suffering that they go through.

Both genders should have equal quantity of advantages.

So. What do you all think?

How can we compensate women for all the suffering they go through?

(By the way, don't bring up things like "men get murdered much more often than women." That's only relevant for 1% of men, 99% of men don't get murdered.)

In the Name of Equality, Women Should Be Compensated for Their Suffering
Post Opinion