Hippies, Hermits and the Truth about "Returning to Nature"

This is Christopher McCandles:

Hippies, Hermits and the Truth about Life in Nature!

He was born in the USA in 1968 by rich parents and from an early age he was showing his
anti-conformist tendencies. Although he was raised in a rich house with many riches and studied in a good University, it didn't took long for him to get sick of the brainless and empty materialism that dominated his fellow citizens.

In April 1992, being 24 years old and fed up with the materialistic society in which he lived, he decided to do what every sane man would NEVER DO even under the threat of a hot needle pinned in his genitals.

He decided to leave behind him the urban life and go to nature to "find himself". He sold all his personal stuff and hitchhiked to Alaska.

Alone....in nature...without compass and map....in Alaska....

Hippies, Hermits and the Truth about "Returning to Nature"

There he wrote all his experiences about life in nature in a touching diary that was immortalised in the book of 1996 "Into the Wild" that was later made a film directed by Sean Penn with the same title.

In the end the wild Alaska was too wild for Christopher McCandles. Having survived for three months eating wild animals, insects, wild honey and using his body dirt to warm himself, Christopher McCandles gave in to the cold, the hunger and sickness in August of 1992.

Hippies, Hermits and the Truth about "Returning to Nature"

AND I'M GLAD HE DID! Congratulations for killing yourself McCandles! You did us the favour to take your stupidity out of the human gene pool. The average IQ of the planet rose five more points the moment you died like a cockroach. To hell with you and every hippie who has the same idea with you. For fucks sake! Every time a lunatic decides to become a hermit, people pretend to be touched.

Get it? If I spent the next two months of my life in front of my computer playing War Thunder, then I'm an anti-social introverted loser. But when Christopher McCandles spends two months of his life alone in the wild, he is "independent", "dynamic" and tries to "find himself".

Every rich, spoiled, armchair philosopher states his disgust about consumerism in society and just like that he spits on Western Civilisation that gave birth to him, raised him and gave him the luxury AND the freedom to question Western Civilisation itself!

And everyone else, instead of execute him for high treason, begins to write touching books and make movies about him!

Hippies, Hermits and the Truth about "Returning to Nature"

First off, you dead moron, you're fed up with civilisation and want to go away for a while. Alright.

TAKE IT EASY! You can begin by deleting your account on World of Warcraft.

Then you can go away for a backpack trip.

Next year you can take some survival lessons and practice them on the nearest mountain and then you can try something harder!

Hippies, Hermits and the Truth about "Returning to Nature"

But no! The dude said "I can become Bear Grylls in just two days!"

Until yesterday mommy was wiping his nose, but all of a sudden he wanted to seek the company of wild animals. And he didn't choose a river with fruitful trees around it! No! Christopher McCandles was a tough guy! He wanted to live in Alaska and fight with bears!

Next year you can try a camping trip to Mordor you idiot!

Hippies, Hermits and the Truth about "Returning to Nature"

What did you think sweet boy? That Alaska is some kind of paradise? I'm sure like every hippie, you too, thought that in nature everything is peaceful and harmonic and only humans are the beasts who kill, destroy and burn.

It's only logical for you to think that Bambi the Deer is a BBC documentary since you're dumber than the bricks of the Pyramids, but let me show you what really happens in nature once your illusions are over:

In nature, male dolphins form gangs and hunt female dolphins to gang rape them.

Hippies, Hermits and the Truth about "Returning to Nature"

In nature, packs of chimps attack other packs and then eat their babies.

Hippies, Hermits and the Truth about "Returning to Nature"

In nature, orcas don't eat their prey immediately. They prefer to beat it to death first.

Hippies, Hermits and the Truth about "Returning to Nature"

And in nature, nine out of ten animals die before their teens.

Hippies, Hermits and the Truth about "Returning to Nature"

Alright, let's say that these are things you didn't know. What about cats killing birds? Dogs killing cats? What about how dangerous predators in nature are? At least one of these things should have shaken your view of harmony in nature!

Hippies, Hermits and the Truth about "Returning to Nature"

Second off, you idiot, what you call "life in nature" is exactly this:

Hippies, Hermits and the Truth about "Returning to Nature"

Stupidity in your head. You imagine that life in nature is living away from civilisation and walk from the one frozen lake to the other. Wrong again! The fact than you don't have a fur and that your body releases sweat when it's hot, indicate that we don't belong in fucking Alaska you stupid uneducated hippie!!!

Besides this, the normal life of a human is not in isolation. We are born with some social instincts like language, sense of justice and hierarchical rivalry. Why do you think that is idiot? So we can debate with the deer and the whale? You're not tiger or shark or spider. You are a HUMAN! A creature supposed to live with its pack! Which means that you should have gone to a rain forest or the African savvana to stay with your distant "cousins" since you wanted a "natural life".

Hippies, Hermits and the Truth about "Returning to Nature"

But let's say that you have done this. So what? What have you achieved? Your natural fruits and vegetables are better than mine, I admit it. But what's also natural is pestilence, a cobra's poison, the tsunami that destroyed Sri Lanka and the sun that will explode and kill us all in some thousand years from now.

And third off, you idiot, you left civilisation behind you because you were fed up with the brainless consumerism in your society. And what do you think life in nature is exactly? You have to find water, find food, build a shelter, find materials that will serve as clothes and tools and weapons to hunt.

From the moment you wake up until the moment you fall asleep, you occupy yourself with materialistic needs. What did you think sweet boy? That you'll have plenty of time and energy to read Marcel Proust? In nature, if you're not a brainless, materialistic, consumer you DIE!

So once again, congratulations to Christopher McCandles and congratulations to YOU modern hippie trying to follow his footsteps!


In an attempt to get rid of your materialistic needs, you eventually became more materialistic than Paris Hilton. So suck it!!!


Hippies, Hermits and the Truth about "Returning to Nature"
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