Beauty Starts from the Inside


Beauty Starts from the Inside

I find it amusing how Western culture is so obsessed with physical beauty. It's a huge reason why Americans have 40-50% divorce rate; it's why a number of kids are so stuck up, disrespectful to teachers, and obsessed with losing their virginity to repeat the same cycle. So let me ask you something, you people who think you're hot and get all the guys/girls, what will you be like in 50 years? How long are you going to remain young? "Well I don't care cause I'm still young and I can do whatever I want" - sure you can kiddo, it's your life. There's always the choice to pervert and twist your purity and love for a cheap adventure in materialism and temporal pleasures.

I used this example in another myTake, and I will use it again: if you throw all of your weight and energy behind one punch, you WILL miss (taekwondo red belt here) and a smarter opponent will easily counter you (he's called Life by the way). He will beat you bloody until your skin tears off to reveal what's really underneath.

This thing inside of you is your True Self, the True Self that was with you from the moment you were born to the moment you will die. And the good news? You can make it into whatever you want and put off the consequences for YEARS. You can indulge in sex, in drugs, in alcohol, and NO ONE, not even you, will know how your Truth Self is evolving.

So what is this True Self? It is the Self that loves, that wants to help people, that desires appreciation, that desires to always move forward unto a better tomorrow. That is your True Self. So what happens when you abuse this True Self through lust and indulgment? It becomes the Self that hates, that wants to put people down, that desires attention, that desires to always consume more and more with each passing day. And the worst thing? You don't even know you're killing yourself until half of your life slipped by.

So what do I want you get to get from this? Well here it is: this is your life and you live it however way you please. But tell me, what kind of adventure do you want? An adventure of courage, love, and endless discovery? Or an orgy of animalistic desires, cheap substitutes, and ultimate despair? Well, as usual, it's up to you.

Beauty Starts from the Inside

Beauty Starts from the Inside
5 Opinion