How to Solve the Chick Flick Problem

First off put yourself in his shoes.

It’s not hard, you already know what it’s like. You have sat through his favorite comedy about farting several times and hated it.

On the other side of the coin he has sat through your drippy tales of love and heartbreak that made him feel like running out in traffic. So spend a minute to develop some empathy around this, and in turn use this same “stand in the other person’s shoes” technique to help him develop empathy for your struggle also. This is going to lay the groundwork for dodging the movie choice show down, tonight and in the future.

Avoid the post movie conversation.

It actually turns out that most chick flicks are pretty entertaining and under his rough and tough socialized exterior, he does have feelings. This is good, this means we have something to work with. So what is he avoiding, why the constant push back against the chick flick?

Gogus olculeri


You start crying, he’s trying to pretend he is not sad or touched or what not, essentially hiding his emotions. Then you start in with a couple of seemingly benign questions aimed at the premise of the movie. You’re fishing for his emotions ladies, you know it, he knows it and it’s a major factor keeping him from wanting to watch chick flicks with you.

Leave him alone after the movie, let him console and care for you, maybe try to make out with you, but let him keep his emotions buried under his ego where they are safe.

Compromise on the content of the movie.

Be honest for a minute ladies, there are aspects to his action/skin flick that you like. Sure the bombs, guns and boobs get a little old, but the inherent testosterone filled aggression is a little tantalizing. Let your mind wander, yes, there it is, you know what we mean. When the buff, sweaty, Bond like character is kicking ass or chasing the busty babe around, you secretly feel a little of that primal sexual energy that resides in everyone.

This same premise holds true for him with your chick flick. He is secretly soothed by the sensitivity and nurturing tones that play out in a chick flick. However, the flick needs to have a few key elements: at least one attractive main female character, some underlying sexual innuendo, and a few funny lines. You will be more successful choosing flicks like In The Land of Women or Dirty Dancing rather than Beaches or Steel Magnolias.

Bribe him.

If all this fails just pacify him with a cold beer or soda, a pizza and maybe a little full contact snuggle. Men are all part child, part Labrador, and part football player, capitalize on this when needed.
How to Solve the Chick Flick Problem
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