STOP being sexist!

I know. You saw the title and though:

Seriously? More feminism? Our society is pretty equal... I'm not sexist...

But I'd like to address a couple serious issues surrounding the sexist nature of our society.

Domestic Abuse

We all know it happens. I don't doubt you say to yourself "I feel so bad for the women it happens to!". Stop.

Shall I be blunt?

You are sexist.

40% of reported cases of domestic abuse are suffered by men. In addition to this, male victims- like female victims- are often too terrified to report. Furthermore, society ridicules men who make domestic abuse claims! This means even more male victims say silent! One man went on a chat show to talk about his experiences, and the host had to slience the audience to stop them from laughing when he said,

I had to jump off a third story balcony to escape- I ended up in hospital.

The host said- thankfully- said,

If this was a female victim, you wouldn't laugh- have some respect"

If you search 'support for domestic abuse' you will get plenty of sites supporting victims- female victims.

Men are expected to lock it all away in their minds. Another example is the true tale of a man who went to a fully female support group.

He was laughed and mocked out of the room for being a male victim.

It has to stop.

There is this societal view that "men can't suffer domestic abuse" because men are supposed to be stronger- dominant. That in itself is sexist because it says men must be dominant over women and those who aren't are weak and deserve to be laughed at.

Society is telling us that men who are victims are too weak. It also tells us women are more likely to be victims because women are weaker.

Both of these views are lies.

Domestic abuse is suffered by both sexes- it's horrific and we should start talking and supporting those who need help- regardless of gender. These conversations need to be had, because why should anyone have to suffer in silence?


Once again, there a problems with the way female victims are treated for rape. They get told it's the way they look, dress, or act that is to blame. Those things are not true.

However, let's take a moment to think about male rape victims. You may be thinking "MALE rape victims??".

Rape can happen to anybody. Not only is there so much victim shaming, but how can a man report a rape without it being seriously questioned?

How could I report my rape, when she had the bruises?

This is what one male victim had said. The woman that raped him got on top of him. Eventually, he managed to push her off- she was physically bruised from falling over but he had become the victim of a violent crime. But who would the police- and society- believe?

Once again, rape is horrible for anyone who suffers it, and when there is support, it's geared towards female victims.

In the (approximately) 3500 rapes recorded in London last year, 1000 of those happened to men- not quite a third, but more than you expected? So if almost a third of victims are male- with 50% of those being under 18- why aren't we talking about rape as something that happens to males AND females??

Support should be for everyone and victim shaming and ridiculing should be stamped out! Be that person who changes things for the better and listens to male victims.

I think this picture makes the point for me.

STOP being sexist!

I hope I haven't offended anyone with these opinions etc. but these things happen and I feel like we should open up and have these conversations.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

STOP being sexist!
Post Opinion