Why you should get off or laid off the cellphone


Why you should get off or laid off the cellphone

Americans can't even focus on television anymore.
- Business Insider

In many ways our current techonology is useful for anyone in any country or age group but when should the line be draw with using it? what I'm talking about is the internet and cellphones mostly I have notice in high school (still in high school) that when ever I look around in a classroom there always a person looking down at their junk when in reality they starting at their device (cellphone, ipad, ipod etc) even though it makes them look like their smiling at their junk like a guy is happy about the size of his dingdong. During a lesson even at lease once a teacher had to say "put your phones away I won't say it again" using cellphones and the internet has became a problem in my school when students keep staying on the devices through out the day. More and more internet and cellphones are affecting every day life from education to even interacting with people.

Now there so many positives with using the internet and cellphones like safetly reasons to cheap entertainment to get the answers you are seeking. But there are this "group" of people who are letting techonology affect them too much. One pure example is education like I said before people are going on their devices through out their school day or stay on for the whole day and that 1. can get them in trouble with teachers if you always in trouble with teachers that can affect your education if they constantly kick you out of class over a piecec of plastic. 2. they fall behind in school work because they too busy on their device to finish their work at school or at home and 3. They are not paying attention in class lessons so they know what the fuck they are doing.

If you seriously letting the device affect your education you should do something about it.

Why you should get off or laid off the cellphone

Maybe the best thing to do for yourself is to cut the cellphone off or take your plan off on it so you have no need to use it. If you seriously are going to let a cellphone or device affect your education where your failing or you could had tried harder and got the marks you wanted or need for University or college its time to change. But your education is in your own hands and what ever happens its because of your CHOICES.

A other issue with the internet and cellphones is that its affecting our health now a days most people rather stay inside then go out. I know it could be muitple reasons why people refuse to go outside (a fear of going outside,have no money to do anything,all their friends stay inside etc) but when its at a point where children are becoming obese under the age of 10 (that can take 10 years off your life) because 1. they have lack of exercise and 2. their parents feed them crap its a issue. We need to make more people go out and live healthy normal lifes its not normal to stay inside and have no life outside school or work. Its not normal to want to stay inside and be on facebook when you can enjoy the great outdoors.

When children are becoming obese under the age of 10 because of lack of exercise and healthy habits there has to be a line.

Someone or the person who has the problem with the device has to draw a line. If your children rather stay inside on minecraft all day every day you need to take control and it doesn't help if you feeding them shit your basically killing them. Obesity is on the raise and it doesn't help that people rather cruise on facebook then to go outside with a friend and take a jog. But the choice is yours what you do with your health and if the internet and a cellphones affects its all on you.

If you go on the street walking while texting and you almost or get hit by a car you need to draw a line.

Why you should get off or laid off the cellphone.

For some reason there too many dumbasses on the streets lately walking while texting. All because of cellphones and the internet. They attention span is only on the phone and what's on their screen not what is happening right in front of them in real life. Deaths by walking and texting or driving and texting are increasing. Only because people have no control you need help if you are literally on the street walking around not noticing anything around you and you too focus whatever is on that phone of yours. Maybe just maybe you need to get yourself help before you could get sent in the hospital or end up in a coffin.

There so many reasons why you should cut off the internet or cellphone but I can't touch all these issues. I also won't say do not go on the internet and your cellphone because the internet is a great place and your cellphone is a awesome device but laid off it a bit if these issues I brought up in this mytake is affecting you.

Good day

Sorry for any grammar mistakes in this myTake I don't care for it.

Why you should get off or laid off the cellphone
12 Opinion