Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Words Have Scarred Me Forever


I came across this video a few days ago and it made me a bit emotional. I was bullied endlessly from 3rd grade up until I started high-school. I hated going to school. HATED it. Especially middle school. It was torture and my parents knew. I cried to my mom everyday, begging her to let me stay home. And she'd always throw that "sticks and stones" bullshit at me. I hate that damn quote to this day. It isn't helpful at all. It's a lie. Because words fucking hurt. And they stay with you forever.

For those of you that downplay bullying and don't think that it's a big issue, think again. I'm sick of seeing the "stop teaching kids to be wusses and teach them to stand up for themselves" comments. How about teaching kids to have respect for others? How about teaching your kid not to be a dick just because he or she can? How's that for a start. No one should have to be afraid or hate going to school because of bullying.

Understand the power of your words people. They can be just deadly of a weapon as a gun or a knife. I hope you all can appreciate this video, if not for anything more than the amazing poetry that it is.

Keep it classy GaGers. See you guys on the threads. ✌

Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Words Have Scarred Me Forever
24 Opinion