Equality: The Failure of a Global Society


What is Equality?

To the layman it is nothing more than a math equation, a 1 = 1, and a failure to dig any deeper than this. He states, outright, that in order for unity X and unity Y to be equal they must be exact in every way on every front. He is ignorant. For is it not so that (1 + 0) and (3 - 2) are both equivalent to 1?

My point becomes clear once we think for a moment; we speak of equality and bring up things that have nothing to do with it. We talk about social customs but ignore economics, about cultural expectations but ignore political and civic contribution and duty and we are ready to fight to death about simple matters such as dress code but can't fathom talking about the deranged state of justice system.

Economic equality is not everyone making the same amount of money but instead everyone making the same amount of money based on the internal merit system, upheld by the entity as employer, based solely on the position itself. It is not a matter of who can speak the slickest nor is it a matter of who can offer more or less and yet we find ourselves in the midst of a system that denies things like the Glass Ceiling and wage gaps between individuals because they don't effect most of us. Most people don't actually negotiate their wages because most jobs don't pay that much; menial labor is the nature of any given society with only a smaller percentage being of high earners thus income disparity.

Upon realization of this it is, as citizens, the duty of the people to come together to solve issues not only effecting those of minorities but those of different educational backgrounds as well. Did you know that there are completely different ranks in privatized education? Severely different ones? Did you think that it was always fair, no of course not, you were aware of this but you were told that if you became the best you could do what you saw fit. The reality is that actually you were gimped from the beginning; the very method by which you are taught sets the pace for how you learn for all of your life. There's no conspiracy there; in essence the poorer you are whether you have a public or private education the less you'll actually be able to do and the lower your success rates.

This brings us to civic contribution. A teacher from a lower-end school cannot ever be a top tier teacher. That is a harsh truth. It is an ugly truth. It is a truth that burns to a core; it exists specifically because there's nothing but an irrational set of laws and bylaws between success and failure and worse the system begets itself. Teachers taught in the poorer schools will be poorer teachers. We talk about education all the time, about civic contribution, about how Walmart gives .000x% to schools, but apparently no one is on the school boards. Parents are more disconnected than ever from the process. The town halls are empty. When was the last time you went to a city townhall meeting? If ever? They are held all the time, as required, and people talk about politicians in Washington getting money for doing nothing failing to realize that their elected heads get to make mock budgets that they can't even read for more than a small salary as a part-time job.

"Politicians are crooked!" so said the layman. So do something about it? But the reality is that the layman is ignorant; he doesn't even know what he is seeing let alone how to judge it. What good is a giant textbook filled with complex engineering to an English teacher who couldn't understand basic heat transfer and thinks water boils at "whenever"? The same is true here. The layman is sitting with his fingers in his ears to prevent himself from accepting that he can't stand to hear the plans he cannot understand or the foundations of how things work. A national budget? What's that? A deficiet? Is it edible? The citizen, if he can even be called that, has little to no understanding and absolutely no fear of his ignorance. He leaves it to "them" but then is made that "they" are corrupt; his crutch is also his rock and he curses the foundation by which he purposefully places his faith.

And so here we are at the justice system. "It is unfair!" he shouts, unwilling to learn of Ethics, unwilling to discover new ways; he leaves it to again, those "crooked lawyers", but think for a moment: How is it that every single person who does something the layman cannot understand is crooked? A deep breath and it becomes clear that it's not that person A or B is evil but instead that it's just a matter of ignorance and fear; everyone he doesn't understand out of sheer laziness and "freedom of choice" he calls crooked, he believes is evil, and he knows is running the show like some kind of sick illuminati because he himself is unwilling to become an educated memeber.

Of all people the most evil of these men is The Citizen. He does nothing but leave his fate to others but then turns about and demonizes those who take advantage of thier positions or does something he disapproves of. He is the man who wants a $70,000,000 indoor swimming complex for the community but wants lower property taxes stating that the government are thieves. He is the man who screams "Death Sentence is evil!" but turns about and screams "How dare they take those refugees!" or "Send those wetbacks home!" and "Build a fence 3,000 meters high!" He is the one who states that there is no difference in how males and females get paid and that diversity programs are working and it's all a myth but then turns about on his heels and states that it's not fair he doesn't get a job when he went to school and majored in Bongo Playing.

He picks up his Social Justice Sword waving it around until he lops his own head off talking about how homeless people are shit and yet how wealthy people are tyrants. How anyone who is a millionaire inherited it all and how everyone who is dirt poor and can't afford to eat "deserves it". He has a self-entitled state of pity on everyone beneath him and an incredible envy for those above him.

And his motto after all this: "Equality for all!"

Equality: The Failure of a Global Society

Equality: The Failure of a Global Society
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