The Focus of Gender Issues Should Be Shifted to Egalitarianism (Part 2)

2nd Part Conclusion of Article:

Elaboration is Required on the Broad Topic of Men's Rights

The Focus of Gender Issues Should Be Shifted to Egalitarianism Part 2.

Not all criticisms were feminist oriented. Some of the men's rights advocates and equalitarians also suggested that MORE detail was required clarifying men's issues - a highly detailed and broad topic. One user in particular addressed this quite thoroughly:

'The statistic is that 80% of all assualt/mugging/murder victims are male. For the sexual assualt/rape yes its about 40% but that is only rape by women, the number of men being raped in prison is actually significantly higher then women being raped and men being raped (outside of prison) combined making men far more likely to be raped then women by both men and women. Then when we factor in that we as a society refuse to acknowledge that men are raped by women. Tthe 40% statistic comes from the CDC where they listed it as being "forced to penetrate"(a woman forcing herself onto a man ie rape) which they even listed as a sexual assualt instead of rape despite the fact that by definition it was, thus showing how far we go to ignore this which in turn means that their is a good probability that the number is much higher then that its simply not being reported due to constant ridicule and belittlement. As for living longer, also its true plus female specific diseases get more funding from the government then male ones despite the fact that men are more likely to get them then women (women have a 33% probability of devoloping cancer as opposed to mens 50% yet you never see much fund raising for male centric cancers) Women also have to pay less for health insurance by law (despite using it more) yet men are still required to pay more for life insurance since they are more likely to die sooner then women. Also fun fact, a man has to have permission from his wife to cash out a pention since it was created specificly as a safe guard to take care of her when he inevitablly died. For number 5, actually statisticly men are more likely to be emotionally abused in a relationship then a woman by a significant margin, and is also more likely to be physically abused as well. Men have less parental rights and no reproductive rights to speak of (if a woman is pregnant and she doesn't want the baby and he does, she is legally allowed to abort, if she wants the baby and he does not, he has to pay child support. In both scenarios she has all the power he has none of it. If a woman chooses not to be a mother and aborts she is not shamed for it, if a man chooses not to be a father he is a deadbeat.) You also forgot to mention that 98% of work place deaths are men, that 70% of all homeless are men, that their is highering quotas for women in male dominated fields but none for for men in female dominated fields. Nor did you mention the feminization of education.'

Another user talked more specifically about the feminisation of education, although her stance was from a more neutral perspective:

'Also, I saw nothing about how more boys fall behind & drop out of school. I don't buy into "feminization" because teachers have long been mostly female. Nor do I believe boys should be allowed to be noisy and rowdy in class. My grandpa couldn't even kick his legs in class and actually graduated a year early. I DO think, though, that boys need breaks and exercise more, and that they seem more affected by chemicals in foods. Also that they are over educated, when better diets and exercise would do the trick. Class sizes are so big that teachers can't be expected to handle unruly students in top of trying to teach 30+ kids. But the structure could be set up so kids get more time to move, etc.'

Another user talked more generally about issues I neglected to mention:

'Also, men have a huge disadvantage in family courts about custody, and are still forced to pay alimony even though women have the same economical possibilities as men nowadays.

Men get longer prison sentences than women for the same crimes.
I'm not totally against this, but it is nonetheless not equal.

Young boys in school are discriminated against for being boys. They are punished for being boys and not calm as young girls.

Men are about 40% of victims of domestic abuse (women being the perpetrator). And they are often not taken seriously if they report it, or laughed at for not being manly enough.'

'Stop Bitching'

Some users also think it is unmasculine or unhelpful to 'whine' about men's rights:

'I'm getting really sick of hearing MRAs whining about their feels...If you're a cis white male, life is easy for you...good luck on finding a shoulder to cry on'

'You are stupid. Mens rights compares little to feminism or millennia of womens subjugation'

'Real men don't worry about all that shit. Seriously. You emasculate yourself, so stop blaming women. All the guys on here constantly whining about this stuff sound like total wimps. You do it to yourself.'

However, I think egalitarianism is (or should be) about more than unconstructive complaining, it is a defense mechanism and a useful ideological tool in promoting democracy, since just one right violated - however small or trivial - is sometimes a slippery slope towards undermining more fundamental human rights. Furthermore, I agree that the onus is on men as individuals to overcome their own gender issues (which are not necessarily worse than female gender issues) and tackle them with powers of assertiveness and self-improvement. As a society, however, we can prevent issues for any particular group (racial, gender or ethnic based) through positive, constructive attitudes and egalitarianism.


On a lighter note, I would like to conclude with the following message:

The Focus of Gender Issues Should Be Shifted to Egalitarianism (Part 2)
Post Opinion