The Far Left Liberal/Socialist Movement Is Shockingly Close to the Nazi Party

Even more so than the Neo-Nazis.

But incredibly, They love comparing others they disagree with (Or who disagrees with them) as modern nazis.

The Far Left Liberal/Socialist Movement Is More Similiar To The National Socialist (Nazi) Party Than Anyone Else In The Modern Age

5. Both of their Political beliefs and goals are scarily alike.

All the core beliefs of the modern liberal agenda like Nationalization of business, forced profit sharing, price caps and control, abolishing all income not earned directly from work, free College educating that focuses on 'civic affairs', censorship against media that doesn't promote their specific point of view, And the common interest before the individual interest were all originally core beliefs of the Nazi political agenda.

The Far Left Liberal/Socialist Movement Is Shockingly Close to the Nazi Party
The Far Left Liberal/Socialist Movement Is Shockingly Close to the Nazi Party
They also both push for a strong centralized government to enforce their will and make all their goals come true. Mainly through economic coercion, social manipulation, and force if need be.

Very evident in the left's attempts to create biased laws that govern and police people's thoughts and preferences(But only a select group of people).

And just like the Nazis, The left support extreme infringements on personal liberties, massive taxation and regulations, and even complete government takeovers of entire industries.

Their ultimate goal is to create a class of dependent people totally subservient to the almighty state, Make no mistake about it.

4. They both gained all their support through relentless propaganda/lies and social engineering on the weak and easily influenced.

The Far Left Liberal/Socialist Movement Is Shockingly Close to the Nazi Party

Literally the most popular argument (and pretty much only one) the far left have.

3. The Nazis were totally fanatical and uncompromising in their beliefs..............

The Far Left Liberal/Socialist Movement Is Shockingly Close to the Nazi Party
Just like the social justice warriors.

In fact, The Nazi party was willing to condone a lot of atrocities, total loss of individualism and personal freedom, Even the total collapse of the economy and society. All in the name of 'social' justice................Just like the modern SJW.

2. They believe in creating an ultimate utopia and see themselves as the most enlightened and superior beings that are unfortunately surrounded by ignorant inferiors that keep holding them back from attaining their true destiny.

The Far Left Liberal/Socialist Movement Is Shockingly Close to the Nazi Party
..................Just like those damn Nazis.

And while the Nazi's deemed Jewes, Homosexuals, and gypsies inferior and unfit for their new world order..............The extreme left deem white people so.

The Far Left Liberal/Socialist Movement Is Shockingly Close to the Nazi Party
Especially straight white guys.........
The Far Left Liberal/Socialist Movement Is Shockingly Close to the Nazi Party
Which is very ironic is a sad and pathetic sorta way, Since the vast majority of these nutjobs are white themselves.

In fact, The only reason these left wing zealots haven't tried to round up all the white people they consider inferior and detrimental to the new 'perfect' society they are trying to create is because they would get their asses kicked from one coast to the other if they tried.

1. Hitler was a very weak, dorky looking f*ck with a messiah complex and an uncanny ability to get his loyal herd of followers/sheep to buy into anything he said......

The Far Left Liberal/Socialist Movement Is Shockingly Close to the Nazi Party
........Just like
The Far Left Liberal/Socialist Movement Is Shockingly Close to the Nazi Party
The Far Left Liberal/Socialist Movement Is Shockingly Close to the Nazi Party

And before you start thinking modern socialism is better because it's Liberal socialism, Adolf Hitler was a Socialist Liberal too.

The Far Left Liberal/Socialist Movement Is Shockingly Close to the Nazi Party

The Far Left Liberal/Socialist Movement Is Shockingly Close to the Nazi Party
Post Opinion