My View on Whether or Not Abortion Should Be Banned

Today I felt like expressing my opinion on this matter, but to be honest I don't care what you have to say: I believe abortion should be legal for various reasons. I want to explain why I feel this way. We can debate but keep it civil in the comments below. I am going to bring up America since they have an issue with this topic and other parts of the world as well.

Why I think abortion should be legal:

My View on Whether or Not Abortion Should Be Banned

In America people want abortion AND birth control banned

This is being reported and quite frankly I find it outrageous. Clearly these extremists want people to be abstinent, though research shows there less teen pregnancies occur when abstinence was not being taught to be use as main birth control. Now if abortion does get banned then birth control should as well. But why would you put people in this position? I see no reason to ban birth control and abortion when it helps millions of people across the globe. I also brought up birth control because if abortion does get ban in America so will birth control.

I personally think that women who do not want abortions or men for that matter should not have an opinion whether abortions should be ban or not

There I said it. Let the hate come; I don't care because this is how I feel. I am totally fine with people not wanting to do abortions or thinks it's not right. But if you never plan to have an abortion then why does it matter if others want to? There need to be CHOICES for people you can't have it your way 100%. I think if you never want an abortion then why is your opinion matter? It shouldn't because let's face it not everyone is having an abortion; just a small group of women.

I don't see why you would care so much whether what a other person does with their child. If you are not the parent of the child you have no say what is happening to the fetus. I also think men shouldn't have the right to make laws banning abortion when its not their issue, it's a women issue so how can a man say its right for all women that abortion is banned? Personally I think lawmakers need to be biased and no ill feelings towards abortions. Not people with strong views of banning abortions.

My View on Whether or Not Abortion Should Be Banned

Banning abortions will kill many women and promotes illegal practices.

Many people didn't know that when abortion was illegal in the past many women died. You know how they died? Getting a illegal abortions. Look, if you ban abortion that won't stop women from getting one. Today they have a way to have a safe abortion where they mostly likely not going to die from having a abortion. When abortion was illegal many died due to the fact it was an illegal practice and doctors gained money from this without the government knowing.

Also, they made shortcuts in these abortions because there was no one to stop them. I'm sorry, I felt saving citizens who pay taxes, work and contribute to society in their own ways should be protected from illegal practices that could cost their live. I also feel the woman who has an abortion is not as bad as the doctor who willing to kill many women from illegal abortions for money.

My View on Whether or Not Abortion Should Be Banned
My View on Whether or Not Abortion Should Be Banned
Post Opinion