Top 8 Negative Stereotypes About African-American Women

Hey Gagers,

So I had a talk with my fiance and his family; my fiance is mixed half black. His mom is white and his dad is black, so we somehow came up with different kind of stereotypes. Then unfortunately we started talking about African American women stereotypes. It was very uncomfortable hearing what his mom and family had to say, and he was embarrassed. It started some conflict and I kind of felt they were being racist...but they where just expressing their opinions.

Top 8 Negative Stereotypes About African-American Women

I asked for their honest opinions so I couldn't get too mad. It just bothers me that people think this about black women. Not all black women are the same, of course. Some people just generally think this of most black women. The majority of black women are just like any other women in America and I hate when people stereotype us black women...but this is the kind of world we live in. Here's a list of things that are often said:

1. Welfare Queens

Top 8 Negative Stereotypes About African-American Women

People say we;re lazy, jobless and count on welfare benefits. First of all, this has nothing to do with race. People in general are just lazy and jobless and live in poverty. I see a lot of black women with careers and working there asses off, and iI'm one of them. Society thinks otherwise.

2. Overweight and out of shape
Top 8 Negative Stereotypes About African-American Women

Most black women are thick, not out of shape. Being overweight has nothing to do with being a black women. All women come in all shapes and sizes.

3. Can't grow natural long hair.
Top 8 Negative Stereotypes About African-American Women

Black women can grow their hair as long as they want, as you can see; if you don't take care of your hair and damage your hair then it won't grow at all. It will fall out. Most black women with short hair either cut their hair or its just really damaged to the point that it won't grow. All hair can grow long if you let it.

4. Darker vaginas...some say "purple"

Top 8 Negative Stereotypes About African-American Women

I hear this one a lot. My Mexican friend a few years back asked me if this stereotype was true and I told her hell no. Not all black women's va jay jays are purple. They're pink too just like they are on any other woman. Some black women may appear darker but purple...?

5. Loud, Ghetto/Bad attitude.
Top 8 Negative Stereotypes About African-American Women

Yes, some black women are ghetto and have no common sense and this is me when i see this behavior:

Top 8 Negative Stereotypes About African-American Women

While most black women do have some sense, this also has nothing to do with race. Some people are raised in the ghetto and are just loud, period. I can catch an attitude at times and most women do; women can get really moody especially when that time of the month comes around lol.

6. Other races dating black women is a fetish.

Top 8 Negative Stereotypes About African-American Women

They call this jungle fever...but no this is love. No fetish.

7. Have ghetto names.

Top 8 Negative Stereotypes About African-American Women

Hahaha. Yeah, but not true and it's cause their ghetto mamma named them. I have a normal basic name " Erica" and most black women do have non-ghetto names.

8. Smell funny.

Top 8 Negative Stereotypes About African-American Women

Yes some black women keep products in their hair like grease, which is really good for hair. so it might give out a smell that other races are not used to. My friend back in high school, she is white and she thought I smelled funny because of the grease i was using in my hair. I used grease because it made my hair very soft. She thought I smelled weird lol but I explained to to her that it was the grease in my hair, and why I had it in my hair. Then she totally understood. She later married a black men they had a daughter together and now she's also using the same grease I used in my hair for her daughter. Now she tells me she loves the smell lol.

So lets just say I looooove being a black women, and just being a woman overall. I hate these lame stereotypes. Any thoughts on this please comment.

Thanks for reading.

Top 8 Negative Stereotypes About African-American Women
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