4 Reasons Why I'm No Longer a Trump Supporter

4 Reasons Why I'm No Longer a Trump Supporter

I used to support Trump, I took his ideas and what I thought was his experience seriously and thought he would be fit to be the President of the United States of America. I was blinded, though. What I thought was going to be a good president turned out to be just like all the others, nothing special and nothing I want to be the President of.

1. He insults races, women, disorders, etc.

Trump has been known for his outbursts of insults, but in a way it's a bit childish to say the least. I'm pretty sure my 15 year old daughter is more mature than this man could ever be in his entire life. Why would I want a man with the brain of a child running our country? Not only has he insulted Alicia Machado for her eating disorders, but he has mocked other people too like the ignorant bastard he truly is. I never really saw this side to him before, thinking maybe it was just a joke, but the light has come to me and has shown me his true intentions. He also insults various women, and races too, I bet you don't need examples from me to show the obvious though. Just look it up, you're bound to find many.

2. Donald Trump fails to share his ideas.

Most of the time when Donald Trump is asked about his ideas he has nothing to show for it. At first I always thought it was going to be a surprise, that maybe he really did have something planned and as a supporter I respected such things, but now I realize he doesn't have what it takes to be responsible and president of this country. Why would he not share his ideas if it is his goal to be president? Surely a good president shares ideas with the citizens to hear our take on it too, sometimes I think he hopes he doesn't win because his mind is like a blank paper a high school student is trying to write the night before it's due.

4 Reasons Why I'm No Longer a Trump Supporter

3. Some of his ideas just aren't viable.

For instance, the one he proposed about rich people creating jobs? That has been done in many instances with previous presidents and they have all failed. What makes us think the same exact plan can work?

4. He has done nothing to benefit this country.

I am not trying to be biased or take the side of Hillary Clinton as I think both are unfit to be the president of our country in these times. However, I cannot ignore the fact that in the first presidential debate he states that Hillary has done nothing, but at the same time Hillary has gone everywhere and tried to strike up ideas with other countries, political leaders, etc. What has Trump done? Absolutely nothing pretty much. Shall I bring up the fact that most of the other Republicans refused to stand by his side? That's really saying something.

I am not trying to be biased towards Trump, I am not a supporter or Hillary or Trump, but after being a supporter of him I realized the true light, that he himself isn't fit either to be president, and I can never be a supporter of his again unless he shapes up.

4 Reasons Why I'm No Longer a Trump Supporter
Post Opinion