Let's Bridge the Gender Divide

Let's Bridge the Gender Divide

I have used this site for 7 years. In that time I've seen the gender divide on here get much much worse. I owe this site and it's community a lot; I found out that I am asexual thanks to this site, which has been a huge turning point in my life.

I think I have more respect for women naturally because I do not view them sexually. I have always really admired femininity, I love women's fashion, I like how women usually communicate more openly, l like that you can be nice to a girl without it seeming too weird like with compliments and stuff. I don't think I have ever called a girl a bitch to her face, and hardly even ever behind her back. I have never made a move on a girl, never wanted to; though some have made a move on me. I have never had a girlfriend, I am not even sure if I want even an asexual girlfriend.

I'm not assertive around women and I don't want to be. I would rather just tag along and hang out with them like I'm just another girl. On the flip side, when I hang out with guys I like to be one of the guys. I feel like I can walk between both worlds relatively easily. Women have not always been nice to me either, usually teasing me for my lack of masculinity or questioning my asexuality. I don't think I am all that feminine myself but more so than the average straight guy, but I really hated feeling like had to try to be masculine before I came out.

My point of all of this that I am pretty neutral in this gender divide. More or less, I think that sex has a lot to do with it.

Let's Bridge the Gender Divide

Women, if you want equality, then pay for a date every now and then. If you want men to respect you, respect yourself and other women. If you want to talk about how gender inequality sucks, then talk about how it sucks for men too and especially stop calling men pussies if they act "unmanly". If you want men to stop slut shaming, stop slut shaming other women and stop making fun of male virgins. If you want men to see you as more than a sex object, stop determining a man's masculinity or worth by women he could sleep with or if you would.

Let's Bridge the Gender Divide

Men. Stop seeing women as mere sex objects, and stop judging them solely on their looks. Stop slut shaming, and stop player praising. Either a lot of hetero sex going on is good or bad; make up your damn mind. Stop considering being like a girl as an insult, that is inherently sexist. Stop paying for every date if you don't think you should. STOP THE VIOLENCE. Stop ignoring and downplaying women's issue just because men have issues too. Show women respect simply because they are fellow human beings.

I know there are things about both sides that I can't understand, but this is how I see it. Let's bridge the gender divide! 👫

Let's Bridge the Gender Divide
13 Opinion