7 Things in Society That Make Little Sense From an Outsiders Perspective


To start it off I am pretty much a shut-in. Though no I don't look like a living meme or anything and I do go out on occasion, I would just rather spend time in my study reading and learning.

Here is a list of things that do not make any sense from a logical perspective but that people do anyway.

1. Ok, I get Humans are herd animals. You like being around a bunch of people for no real reason. But why is it I can walk down an aisle with no one there and within a few minutes everyone migrates to that isle? Even if it has nothing of major worth on it like one of those back aisle clearance sections in the dead zone of a Target. And this happens all the time, it's like NPC'S loading in out of nowhere. I know they are not buying anything as a few minutes later they just walk away not having grabbed anything. It's like what in the fuck is wrong with people?

7 Things in Society That Make Little Sense From an Outsiders Perspective

2. Why when backing out from a parking space and this is after waiting a minute for them to go and the moment you back out they gun it to get past you? It's like I gave you 3 fucking minutes to go yet they always wait until they see the rear lights. and again this happens constantly it's like its a game to them.

7 Things in Society That Make Little Sense From an Outsiders Perspective

3. Why do old people feel the need to walk up and bitch at the cashier about something and when you give them an answer they ask to see your manager who says the same thing? Do they think anyone actually gives a shit and that the manager has some magic alternative than what the cashier said?

7 Things in Society That Make Little Sense From an Outsiders Perspective

(This video is not exactly that but still hilarious)

4. Immediately touching a plate after the server warns you it's hot.

Christ, they said it was hot for a reason do you think you're the damned mother of dragons and fire proof or that it will magically be frozen the moment you touch it?

7 Things in Society That Make Little Sense From an Outsiders Perspective

5. When speaking of the countries issues they always say "oh it's the government" or it's the "governments fault" bitch you are the government they are not born into power. Your dumb ass elects them. Other than the president who more so is elected by the electoral college the senators are 100% yours to elect. Last I checked this was a Republic and these cunts down here are all picked by you.

7 Things in Society That Make Little Sense From an Outsiders Perspective

6. Put any faith in the educational system. No, seriously you know those 200 dollar text books you just bought? What if I told you everything said in there is sourced from wikis and public knowledge that is 100% free and accessible on your phone? That they pay liberal arts graduates small sums of money to find them not even source them and put them in a shiny book with some dicks name on it. And then since academics don't change much year to year, re-organize the info and sell it back to you at the same price to make last year's textbooks worthless.

7. Actually give a fuck what celebrities are doing. Seriously who cares who slept with who or who said what. I don't understand at all why anyone gives a shit. I don't care who wore what or who does what as far as I am concerned 90% of them are dogshit and the one's who are good I dont give a fuck about as people. There is far more productive things to do. Hell far better less productive things to do then watch these bastards go through life.

7 Things in Society That Make Little Sense From an Outsiders Perspective
7 Things in Society That Make Little Sense From an Outsiders Perspective
40 Opinion