A Plague Worse than the Nazis (18+) Part 1


Hollywood and most western media offered us and still do, an overabundance of nazi hating content.
From Hollywood movies to video games like "Wolvestein", a game where butchering nazis is the main goal, the shameless and exaggerating hate mongering propaganda is strong.

The graphic ultra-violent scene in Inglorious Basterds where Hittler is turned into minced meat by this machinegun is a characteristic portrayal and emotional embodiment of this super hatred mongering.

A plague worse than the Nazis (18+)   Part 1

A Plague Worse than the Nazis (18+) Part 1

All kinds of movies from the classic "Where eagles dare" with Clint Eastwood, to the nazi face melting scene in "Indiana Jones the lost ark" we get the extreme zionist "hatred" against them (or better desensitisation of the masses towards nazi slaughter and the hatred conditioning).

It didn't always happen in such crude ways though, it could get much more subtle like the sing-along scene in the classic movie "Casablanca", where nazis aren't exactly physically slaughtered but they do take a moral and metaphorical beating.

A Plague Worse than the Nazis (18+) Part 1

This hatred is deeply implanted and imbued in all facets of life, and Nazism has been rendered the personification of evil on earth. Much like as Einstein has been programmed in the masses' hearts as the personification of intelligence.

The one sided propaganda

A Plague Worse than the Nazis (18+) Part 1

There is no doubt, the horrors many suffered through the Third Reich's doings are plenty, and my country Greece was no less of a victim. The black fascism has definitely been demonised for a good reason in the global consciousness, but this is the only totalitarian scapegoat the mass brainwashing uses. What about the red fascism, its horrendous twin, the crimson flesh eating worm of Communism whose reign of red terror bloodbathed the world?

Noone cares about that, noone talks about that, hollywood doesn't make multimilion dollar hatred conditioning programs dressed as "films" for it. "Best" case scenario its completely overlooked. On other occasions its even glorified and is taught as evolutionary and a socialist movement.

Whose interests does the advertisement and promotion of this blood drenched chapter of human history conflicts? We'll see that later on.

Two sides of the same coin.

Sarcastic poster follows.

A Plague Worse than the Nazis (18+) Part 1

During the cold war, the masses were brought up under the propaganda of the great collision, the "democratic" West, and the "leftish" East, a global chessboard where the ever menacing superpowers boiled in quiet rage as a volcano ready to errupt at any time. The fear of the nuclear holocaust though has supposedely been the main reason things couldn't escalate. It was considered the deterent factor that balanced the international affairs.

A Plague Worse than the Nazis (18+) Part 1

Before that period, when nazism rose to power the conflict idea was equally highlighted and prominent. But how different exactly were the two regimes?

A Plague Worse than the Nazis (18+) Part 1

The children, it's always about the children

A Plague Worse than the Nazis (18+) Part 1

Every "self respecting totalitarian regime", has to strategically target the one and only most tender and easy to mold category of people in society, the little humans, children. Building the next gears of the machine, the willing and cooperative pawns that will give their life and take lives for "the Big Other". For Nazis it was the Arean Race, for "proletariats" the common struggle of the working classes and the imperative viral and violent global spreading of their "ideal". The interests of The Party.

In both regimes humans are nothing more than numbers, the vessels of the necessary sacrifices that need to be made in order for the "mechanical and deterministic nature of history", to help the "perfect socialist society" to magically bloom from the ashes of the slain old world. Humans don't have inherent value but are valued only in the context of the collectivist super-structure and the degree to which they serve it effectively. The line of distinction as one deepens in the ontollogical nature of both regimes is all the more thin and blurr. People with superficial understanding claim that one is nationalist the other tries to overcome nations, in fact they are both collectivist, antihumanist and deterministic. They both advocate change through chaos and bloodshed. Both try to strip humanity from its spiritual component and preach a ruthless materialism as the highest pursuit in life.

Atheism, we need more atheism.

A Plague Worse than the Nazis (18+) Part 1

Totalitarian regimes are intolerant of religious freedoms, and people being able to excercise their faiths. And the communist regime in particular was always pretty adamant and vicious in its abhorrence and persecution of the human right of faith. How many priests were slaughtered in the communist Russia, how many churches vandalised, icons desecrated and people persecuted? And in the eastern European countries and the Balkans. In North Korea, even today, just having a Bible with you can ban you from the country as a tourist, and even cost you your life if you are a citizen. They are only allowed to worship the statue of the dictator who has been elevated to the status of a deity.

Christianity teaching we have inherent value and are images of God, is specifically the most hated one, and can never co-exist with this regime. The freedom it implies and the hope and teleological meaning it gives to life, shall simply be wiped out from existence, cause it contradicts the justified murders of your enemies, who are noone else but your fellow humans for totalitarian regimes. Divide and conquer. In christianity the enemy is the demons and your own passions and bad self. But hey communism strongly recommends indulgence in all sorts of passions, rejection of all values, but at the same time happens to be extremely militant and prude to an unfathomable degree. Sounds contradicting? You've only scratched the surface of its insanity.

Even more creepy similarities of the two fascisms

A Plague Worse than the Nazis (18+) Part 1

A Plague Worse than the Nazis (18+) Part 1

They both stemmed from a philosophical ground of moral relativism. The meanings of good and evil are blurred, and the source of morality is nowhere near absolute or universal. They both entertained the existence of an objective Will that transcends the particular individual and were both realised in an intaligible place and time that will happen. (When in contrast christianity preaches that paradise and hell begin from here and all your thoughts and actions for the world). Both desired a scapegoat to achieve their end goals. In communism this was defined by class, and in National Socialism by race.

They were a mutually self feeding vicious circle that maintained the status quo for the system when problem arose. It's not surprising that "the so loathing" forces united when necessary and weren't few the cases where the KGB had to cooperate with German secret services or even the American CIA whenever the collectivist super structure was challenged on a global scale.

The Nietzschean "superhuman" and the theosophist new age transhumanism were entertained in both regimes, with communism giving more emphasis on technological improvement as a means of transcendence. They both look forward to an abstract Utopia whose means of achievement are forever ill defined and irrationally predetermined.

Did you know an even more creepy and staggering historical detail? "Iironically" both the Soviet Russia, the Chinese "cultural revolution" and the Nazi army all had the "Ode to joy" as their main anthem. They took a piece Beethoven wrote as a hymn to human joy, and turned it into a powerful fuel of hatred and morality for their armies. It expressed for both the realisation of the totalitarian ideal, and "joy" became synonymous with serving the common cause "for the greater good".

To be continued... .

A Plague Worse than the Nazis (18+) Part 1
10 Opinion