Why I Changed From Being a Liberal to Being a Conservative

Why I Changed From Being a Liberal to Being a Conservative

When I was growing up, I was raised to be a liberal. I was expected by my parents, my liberal community, and other black people (I'm a light skinned black guy) to root for the democratic candidate. As the years went by, the democratic party and their zombie-brained liberal supporters pissed me off more and more. Here is why I switched from being a liberal to being a conservative.

1.) Black people are expected to be liberals by other black liberals

This is what I can't stand. I would be walking down the street when randomly a older black guy stops me and tells me to watch out for myself because cops hate me, white people hate me, the government hates me, and the only people I can trust are other black people. He would then automatically assume that I'm a liberal and rant on about how Donald Trump is an idiot and how Hillary Clinton should be president and the only reason she wasn't picked to be the president was because she's a woman. This is simply not true. Cops don't hate black people, only a few cops are corrupt and if a cop does seem to be on guard with a black guy, it's because of the high crime rate that black people come with. Not every white person hates me, I have white people in my family, am I not suppose to trust them? There are many reasons as to why Hillary Clinton lost the presidential race, her being a woman is not one of them.

2.) Blatant disrespect for the American flag.

Why I Changed From Being a Liberal to Being a Conservative

Liberals want to go around and disrespect the American flag because things aren't going their way. They would burn the flag because someone was wrongfully shot or because of something Trump said. Here's the deal, just because an idiot wrongfully shot an innocent black person, or Donald Trump tweeted something you didn't like, does not give you the right to disrespect our country. I know they have a right to do such a thing, but what liberals choose to ignore are the troops who fight for their ability to burn the flag. Liberals never take into account our troops and actually some of them hate our troops saying that serving Donald Trump is wrong (FYI liberals, troops don't serve the president, they serve the US Constitution.) and killing muslims is wrong (they are killing muslims that are trying to kill them and their entire family). A prime example of liberals disrespecting the flag is the NFL kneeling situation. They are trying to battle the oppression that black people have (which doesn't really exist, I'll talk about that in my next point) and the "mean" tweets of Donald Trump by kneeling during the national anthem. What they fail to know is that when you kneel during the national anthem, you're disrespecting the people who fight for the flag. It doesn't matter if it's not an issue of whether or not the players in their mind are respecting the flag or not. This action shows that you do not care about the troops who fight for the flag and keep us safe.

3.) Liberals have a victim mentality

Here's the deal, oppression in the United States doesn't exist. We are at a better period of time than the 1800's where there was actually oppression in the United States. A few racist individuals not liking your presence does not account for oppression. You want to see what oppression looks like? Go to the middle east and be gay or be a woman and then come back and tell me what oppression is. Liberal black people keep the burden of slavery with them, but did you know that white people weren't the only race of people to have African slaves? The Arab slave trade was pretty big as well. Shouldn't we be blaming Arabs for the slavery of black people? Why are we only blaming white people? White people are one of the more tolerant race of people believe it or not. If you were black and you were to go to China or Iraq, you would probably be faced with more racial discrimination than if you were in the United States! Liberals fail to realize that the United States is one of the more tolerant countries compared to middle eastern and Asian countries. Liberals also cry "systematic racism" which isn't true either. Systematic racism died a while ago. Black people hold high positions in jobs and in the government.

4.) If you disagree with a liberal, you're a nazi

If you disagree with anything a liberal says, you're automatically a nazi, or a white supremacist, or an Uncle Tom, or uneducated. Just because I disagree with what a liberal is saying does not mean I hate my own race, this is especially prevalent in the black community. Anyone who disagrees with the black community is an Uncle Tom, you have to follow everything they do and live by their rules.

5.) Liberals think we agree with everything Donald Trump says

This is false. Personally I don't think Donald Trump is the best president, but some of the stuff he says makes sense and is beneficial. There are republicans who hate trump and there are republicans who dick ride him.

And there you have it, five reasons on why I switched from being a liberal to a conservative. I feel amazing that I'm a conservative now and realized how stupid the democratic party is. The only problem is that I go to a very liberal university, so everyone disagrees with what I have to say. Thanks for reading!

Why I Changed From Being a Liberal to Being a Conservative
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