Dear Boomers and Silents-- A Letter from Millennials

Dear Baby Boomers and Silents,

I know. We're your least favorite people to deal with, or hear from. It's a constant refrain. We're lazy. We're entitled. We're spoiled and special snowflakes who are too lazy to move out of our parent's basements, too selfish to have the grandkids you want to badly, we're too busy having casual sex.

Dear Boomers and Silents-- A Letter from Millennials

I know, a short insult counts more than facts. But let's look at reality here for a moment. Let's start with the basic insult about how we millennials are such promiscuous little brats.

1. No, we're not sleeping around like Mad Men.

Or in short, "Recent research also shows that, overall, millennials — people born between the early 1980s and 2000 — have fewer sexual partners than baby boomers and those in Generation X, the group immediately preceding them."

2. While we're at it, abortion.

Or as my boomer parents put it, "They're having less kids because they're killing them all off."
Or as reality put it, abortion is at the lowest rate since Roe V Wade. The highest amount was in 1980 and 1981... Boomers and Silents enjoying their freedom.

Oh and our predecessors? The Gen X? Which is surprisingly smaller size than us Millennials? Yeah, you aborted them off. "A fourth of my generation is missing. For every three people you see my age there is one person who didn’t make it out of the womb alive. They were aborted."

3. Lazy!

Yeaaaah. 1970, the National Debt was 371 billion. Way to go on debt management there. By the time I was old enough to vote, the national debt was safely in the trillions.

True entitlement is tripling the national debt since the 1980s and using the proceeds to spend lavishly on tax cuts and government programs that primarily provided short-term economic boosts, while refusing to raise the Social Security age of retirement or to reduce benefits, even as the gluttonous program careens toward unsustainability.

True entitlement is allowing the reasonable minimum wage that Baby Boomers enjoyed when they were our age to deteriorate while opting to cut taxes on the gains from stocks and bonds that they accrued during periods of debt-driven economic and stock-market surges – creating an economy where wage earners at all income levels, as of 2012, receive a smaller portion of economic output at any time since 1929.

How about economics? Oh wait. Average reak wages have risen about a dollar in 50 years.

Let's also keep in mind that the Immigration Act of 1965 started bringing in massive immigration... and yes. Mass immigration brings down wages, simply because there are more workers. Hell, Boomers are still open about how they prefer cheap immigrant labor, legal or illegal, over Americans.

“Even if an American guy came up right now, I don’t know if I’d hire him,” said Keller, who employs five immigrant workers. “I’d rather have a Latino.”

Or just as places like Toys R Us.

Keep in mind, the Silents grew up in an age with trade protectionism. That's how they had such nice paying jobs, for a large part--companies literally couldn't go hire cheaper people in poor nations at exploitative rates.

4. Divorce!

Let's examine more of those family values the Boomers and Silents love. Let's look at divorce rates for a second, see what the sacred vows of marriage meant to the prior generations.

Dear Boomers and Silents-- A Letter from Millennials

Yeah. Thanks for that lesson by example about how important relationships are.

5. Safety....

Oh, totally thanks for safeguarding Europe against communism, bringing down the Iron Curtain. Safeguarding the USA for the future....

Dear Boomers and Silents-- A Letter from Millennials

"Top US general: China will be 'greatest threat' to US by 2025"

Dear Boomers and Silents-- A Letter from Millennials

Dear Boomers and Silents-- A Letter from Millennials

Just a 5 million man army with plots to spread across the world, who the USA single single handed funded thanks to Boomers and Silents deciding that we'd be far better off buying Chinese goods than having American manufacturing jobs.

Yes. We Millennials are the worst. Thanks for financing the rise of the biggest threat to the nation, thanks for bankrupting the government for entitlement programs, thanks for bringing in as much immigration as possible while sending everything from car factories to call centers overseas which ensures we Millennials need to spend as long as possible in school if we want a decent paying job... but I remember, we're lazy and won't work, and that's why we're at home struggling with massive debt.

Yes. We millennials really are the worst.

Dear Boomers and Silents-- A Letter from Millennials
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