Nuclear War With North Korea is a Possibility We Shouldn't Ignore

I had a Dream

Nuclear War With North Korea is a Possibility We Shouldn't Ignore

I've never been a person that has a dream and says "this must mean something," but I had a dream last night that I've never had before. This dream was more real than any other I've had before and it simply felt prophetic, which has never happened to me before.

My family and I were outside when we heard five or six large booms. We looked up into the sky to see these massive clouds turn a burnt orange color and we could see the streaks shooting into the air.

In my dream, I knew exactly what they were (we live next to older nuclear silos) and a wave of extreme sadness hit us like a ton of bricks. We knew our lives would never be the same after launching those types of missiles.

Even though we knew exactly what they were - and assumed we knew their intended target - we took to social media to see if anyone was talking about it, and they were. We were launching preemptive nuclear strikes against North Korea.

We gathered our belongings and headed to our safe house out in the woods, far away from society, which ended up with us having to kill people trying to steal our stuff after some time

had past.

I woke up after this and immediately checked the news to see what was going on and what I saw saddened me even further: more military drills on the Korean peninsula as a response to the recent ICBM test from North Korea. More saber-rattling and more provocation on our part. And so it escalates.

Nuclear War With North Korea is a Possibility We Shouldn't Ignore

Who is to blame?

This question is very hard to answer because it takes two to tango, but when one of the two has all the power, it's hard to fault the other, weaker person for a resulting military action.

And really, to understand this, we have to look to history and find out why North Korea has such animosity towards the US. The answer is pretty clear and pretty shameful, actually.

During the Korean War, the US killed nearly 30% of North Korea's entire population. In total, 3-4 million people lost their lives, most of those lives lost were civilians.

We - the US - dropped more bombs on North Korea in 3 years than we had dropped in the Pacific Theatre of WWII. We dropped more napalm. . . more everything.

In fact, we bombed so much of the country that we ran out of targets because, literally, everything had been destroyed.

This is something you aren't taught in school. Historically, the US history books don't reflect an accurate accounting of the devastating and heinous things that the US has done throughout history. When it does mention these things, it's glossed over quickly and much is omitted, leaving Americans to believe the US is always the "good guy."

The Korean War proves that the US is not even usually the good guy. This nation was founded on slaughter and we haven't deviated from that too much in the centuries since it was stolen.

But back to the original point: when we look at the relationship between N Korea and the US, we start to understand why N Koreans are so paranoid when it comes to the US. They hate us because of what we did to them, to others, and what they fear we will do to them again.

They are seeking nuclear capabilities out of necessity, not to destroy us. This has been their stance since the 50s and it hasn't changed. They fear the US and - from looking through history (and even modern times) - they have every reason to fear us.

So if someone were to ask me whose fault it is, I'd say - without hesitation - that it's the United States' fault.

Nuclear War With North Korea is a Possibility We Shouldn't Ignore
Nuclear War With North Korea is a Possibility We Shouldn't Ignore

The United States has the capability and ability to use restraint. We should also acknowledge the mistakes we made and work to build a relationship with them. If our leaders are unable or unwilling to do that then they shouldn't call themselves politicians, statesmen, or gentlemen.

Will it Happen?

Nuclear War With North Korea is a Possibility We Shouldn't Ignore

No one but Trump or Kim Jong can answer this question, unfortunately. I do believe, however, that we are going to go to war with North Korea. Maybe it won't be nuclear, but given Trump's child-like temperament and that his whole world is driven by ego, I believe he'd want to try and make it as decisive a victory as possible.

Under Trump we have seen far more war games on the Korean peninsula than normal. We've seen more reckless missile launches than before and every time Kim Jong does anything, Trump feels the need to throw a tantrum like a child, call him names, and generally act like a fool.

I think if we had someone like Bernie Sanders in office, we wouldn't even be having this discussion right now but Trump is turning this nation into the direction of war and militaristic authoritarianism.

Don't believe me? Add the removal of net neutrality, the removal of state's rights, the privatization fo the CIA & FBI (yes, they are looking into privatizing these two), state-sanctioned racism, a massive ego, and the willingness to detain 10s of thousands of "colored" folk and you have the recipe for authoritarian, corporate-controlled fascism.

What can I do?

It probably won't help much since neither the Democrats or Republicans ever listen to their constituents, but you should most certainly reach out to your representatives and tell them to vote against any resolution strengthening the ability for preemptive strikes against North Korea (or anyone else, for that matter).

You should also find a safe location where your family is to meet up should you become separated. You should stock up on the basic things you'll need like food, water, fuel, heat sources, and a means of obtaining food on your own. You should then have a plan in place so that you can avoid highly-populated areas in the event something were to happen. When people are in a panic, they will have no problem hurting or killing you to get what they need first -- don't believe me? Just look at how people act on Black Friday when there's a TV for 50% off. Imagine they're fighting over food or water and you know how they'll respond.

You should also arm yourself and have plenty of ammunition that will last you for a long while. Long-range walkies are a great idea as well.

You should speak with your extended family as well because there is safety in numbers and the more minds you have in a group, the more likely you will be to make it through whatever is to come.

I'm not saying it's going to happen for sure, but if you aren't ready for it when it does, you'll be the one on the losing end of interactions with those who are prepared to take everything that's yours.

And don't trust police and the military to take care of you because they won't. Most of them have been brainwashed to follow orders, even if that means killing Americans. They do it already.

Be safe out there, y'all. Call me a conspiracy nut if you want, but I'd rather be prepared and nothing happen than to have something happen and not be prepared.


Nuclear War With North Korea is a Possibility We Shouldn't Ignore
Post Opinion