Left, Right, You're Both Wrong About Guns


In this take I'll talk about why I disagree with each side of the argument on the problem of gun violence in America, and then I'll talk about what I think we should do.

Left, Right, You're Both Wrong About Guns


Ignorance is an incredible problem that I've seen with the left. Damn near every time I hear someone calling for a gun ban or even more gun control they sabotage their own position by making incredibly simple errors. "It's legal to hunt humans." "These are heat seeking rounds." "You want to own tanks!" "This gun fires 30 bullets within half a second." "These guns are taking down airplanes" etc. This needs to be rectified. You can't expect for anyone to take you seriously when you so obviously do not know what you are talking about.

Gun Ban

I don't think that many on the "left" actually want this, but know that the all out Gun Ban will never happen. In America today we have more than three hundred million guns currently in circulation in the United States owned by ~ one hundred million people. Many of these people have already told us that if our government comes to take their weapons, they will fight a Civil War. Not only is this not going to happen, but it also should not. https://www.girlsaskguys.com/social-relationships/a51768-a-world-without-guns-is-not-a-world-i-want-to-live-in


The hatred of the AR-15 and the thirst for a ban on these guns seems silly. The gun problem in American is simply not a result of rifles of any kind. Of the ~35,000 yearly gun deaths only 250 are from rifles of any kind. Even less from AR-15s specifically. In fact more people were beaten to death by hands and feet than were killed by all rifles.

Gun-Free Zones

Gun-Free Zones are not the answer to stopping a mass shooting. In fact without question it is the wrong answer. Of these sorts of mass shootings in public that we're afraid of 98% of them took place in gun-free zones.

School Shootings Aren't The Problem

I understand how deeply these sorts of shootings hurt us. They strike a vein in all of us and we need to figure out how to stop these, but this isn't the main problem with America's gun violence. Of the ~thirty-five thousand gun deaths in America school shootings account for a mere fraction of a percent. On the other hand sixty-six percent are suicides.


Doing nothing is not an answer to gun violence. If you care and agree that we have a problem, your answer CANNOT continue to simply ignore it. Simply saying "thoughts and prayers" has not done anything to help, and it will not do anything to help in the future. Additionally, simply saying "ah it's a mental health problem" doesn't do anything. You have to stop simply trying to poo-poo the conversation and actually come up with some ideas. The death of our nation's youth necessitates that you do. 7 children a day are dying by guns.

2nd Amendment

Stop just responding that the second amendment allows us to have guns.

A Well Regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Obviously right now we are not regulated. You're about twenty-five times more likely to be killed by a gun in America than other first-world nations. This is egregious. Simply pointing to the constitution is not a good argument.

Arm Our Teachers

No. Arming our teachers and asking them to potentially kill the children in their charge is, at best, counter-intuitive, and at worst grossly idiotic. The average teacher's starting salary in America is about thirty-five thousand dollars per year. Many (about 90%) have to pay out of pocket for school supplies. They have to pay for pens, pencils, paper, markers, and more. Yet, now you want to fund all of these teachers getting glocks? You want to pay for them to get dozens of hours of shooting practice so that they can reasonably protect their students from a school shooter? Be serious.

Mental Illness

This is a broader issue, but stop simply saying where the problem lies and not doing anything about it. I frequently see those on the right pointing out that America's gun problem is a result of mental illness. I then ask, "so what do we do?" Their response is always a deafening silence.

Left, Right, You're Both Wrong About Guns

What should we do?

I don't have all the answers, but I do have a few things that I wish we would work towards and understand. So far as I can tell the American problem with gun violence is multi-faceted. I see gun violence as being a result of at least three factors. Ease of access to guns, lack of easy access to mental health, and a lack of training of our teachers and parents to know how to spot and properly deal with potential problem children.

1.) As I've already pointed out we have over three-hundred million guns in circulation. More than any other country by a long shot. These guns are not likely to go away. Initiating a buy-back program would certainly incentivize some to turn their weapons in and this may be a good idea, but my main desire is to ensure that going forward we do not blindly allow everyone access to guns. We need to enforce and shore up the background checks that we currently have, and we need to ensure mental health checks are performed so that new potential gun owners are mentally stable. Background checks have worked and have actually prevented the sale of three-million guns to persons who failed. We also need to close-up the private seller (gun-show) loophole. Of the mass shooters we've had about a third were prohibited from getting guns, but somehow still did so. I think there was at least one case where the guy bought his weapon on facebook from someone who legally sold it because of the private seller-loophole.

2.) Many insurances do not cover mental health at all, and even persons who have an insurance that does provide it don't know it does. In 2014 a poll was done to see whether or not people knew this almost 90% did not. We also still have quite the social stigmatization of mental health. We need to work to combat this.

3.) Almost half of all mass shooters demonstrated obvious warning signs before they went on their spree. We have to enact training for our teachers and offer training for parents/ community members to learn to recognize and try to prevent these atrocities.

I think that's it for today. Congrats if you read XD

Criticism appreciated.

Left, Right, You're Both Wrong About Guns
31 Opinion