The Safety Blanket of Anonymity

Message from me [Feel free to skip]

Woohoo!! Time for my 3rd myTake. I'm slowly getting into it and I thank all those people for all their support, who bother to read it and give their opinions. I've had lots of positive and lots of negative. But that's the beauty of a's mine.

The major thing I've come across on any website like this or that allows you to comment or share you opinion is those people who love to crap on someones idea or view and then vanish into the ether. That's why I ask at the beginning of all myTakes that if you have an opinion, positive or negative. I want to hear it...BUT...and this is important, have actual evidence or reason for your belief. Judging another persons view when you have nothing but curse words and insults to back up yours is truly pathetic and pretty funny. It gives less merit to your opinion while buffing up theirs.

So if you want a discussion or debate, have it be that, no need for bad words or acting superior, even the Queen craps once a day. You and your view are not special. Neither is mine. So let me tell you of my 3rd non-Special view.

The Safety Blanket of Anonymity

Talking to Strangers

The Safety Blanket of Anonymity

Any comment section you come across will have those who post normal "awesome video" or "great story" type of comments, some will be full of "da wey" memes or whatever the most recent trend is.

Then you will get the debates, be it about religion or politics or why Rick and Morty is for intellectuals and not the common scrabble.

All these debates really are like talking into the air. These participants are two people who have never seen each other, most probably will never see each other and yet let this arguments affect their emotions. They legitimately get angry or "triggered" they take it upon themselves to defend their beliefs. Now in all honestly there is no problem defending you belief as long as you have something to defend it with. Which many don't. This is where things start to turn ugly.

Your Momma isn't a Point

The Safety Blanket of Anonymity

When arguments get heated people love to bring out the insults, while it may not be the old school quips about how your mother suffers from obesity or like the company of many many men. These insults range from direct cursing or sly remarks that make the other seem inferior or lesser. This is one of the early results of the Anonymity Safety Blanket.

Would these people have this same argument in person or in public. A comment section is a virtual public place, anybody can see what you write or reply to. So do you think these people would have the gall to shout out these insults at a stranger while surrounded by strangers in real life. More likely than not, they would not. Does this mean nobody would, of course some lack the knowledge of how to behave in public and could not care less to embarrass themselves and cause a scene. But those are in the minority. (as in not the big portion of the group)

So where is a place you can shout all your views and not have to see or deal with the consequences...the wonderful world wide web.

No Monsters under your desk

The Safety Blanket of Anonymity

People feel a level of safety when they retreat to the internet, nobody knows who you are, where you are (unless you divulge that information) so you are free to do as you please. This is the blanket of anonymity, you know that "safety blanky" your mom or dad gave you when you were small. It could have taken the form of a doll or a teddy, but most people had one. With it we felt safe. When you were scared you hide under those sheets with it because we all know monsters can't get under your blankets. It would kill them.

In the same way, there are no monsters under your desk. Nobody to physically harm you for your views, nobody to deliver the consequences of your actions. Maybe a ban here and there but doing that on the internet is like trying to empty the ocean with a cup. So what types of people do this and how big is their bite compared to their bark.

The LOUDER you are the softer your point.

The Safety Blanket of Anonymity

A common trait I've noticed in arguments in person and online is the idea that the more you talk and the louder you talk, the more you think you have won, getting the person to stop replying is a victory to these type of people. So lets get this straight, calling something a c##t and having them stop reply doesn't mean you won the discussion. Just means you're childish enough to call someone that.

When I'm having a discussion and someone insults me, that usually starts the end of the talk, we can debate or we can insult, I'm not doing both. So those of you who have left a discussion because of being insulted, don't feel bad, you haven't lost. You were just mature enough not to stoop to playground insults.

And you big boy or girl. "YOUR MOM IS A SLUT" doesn't prove why this sports team is better than the other. Neither does "YOUR'E RETARDED" And big "smart" (dumb :P) boy or girl. Sarcastic laughing don't make you right either. So "hahaha you're so funny" when arguing doesn't show intelligence or wit. It shows a lack thereof.

These people usually aren't the brightest and if they are, they are definitely not the wisest. They rely on the blanket, this form of communication provides to avoid backlash for their insults. Of course nobody is required to share their name and address and personal information, even I don't give out all my details. But if you out there looking for arguments and ways to insult people, at least have the guts to let them see who you are. If you can't do that, I'm afraid you're more of a retard than you presume they are.

How to have a successful discussion

The Safety Blanket of Anonymity

So some pointers I can leave you with when debating or discussing online.

- People have different opinions, just because it's yours doesn't make it superior.

- Avoid petty insults and behaving like a child, because you will be treated like one.

- Give evidence or proof to your belief or viewpoint.

- Just because you may not understand someones evidence doesn't mean it has no merit (more for religious debates)

- The louder your bark, the weaker and weaker your bite gets.

- If you realize this person is not listening or is doing any of the negative things listed above, feel free to leave the discussion. You are there to talk, not shout.

- You will run into people who will take the "I don't care you racist, I don't care you racist" approach. They cannot be reasoned with , so give up and move on.


Hopefully you enjoyed this myTake, wasn't on as controversial topic as the others, but I like some variety. So these are some things I like to say before the accusations fly, and I'm expecting there to still be some anyway.

1. I'm aware everyone's different, my points don't cover all types of people.

2. I'm no saint (more of a succubus) so I can admit to being on both sides of this discussion. The instigator and the instigated. I've let stuff get to me from time to time, but mostly moved on.

3. I could not list every single point that could possibly be made, I'm sure there are tons extra.

4. "But Mia some people just troll others." I know, I know.

And lastly if you like these MyTakes and want to see more or what I will post next, please feel free to follow me, I'm also up for conversation with anybody who wants an actual conversation.

Thank you for reading

The Safety Blanket of Anonymity

The Safety Blanket of Anonymity
Post Opinion