Dealing With Stereotypes Because of Your Nationality...

Since we're living in the 21st century one should think that stereotypes don't really play a role in our daily lifes anymore. But let me tell you why I don't think so.

Before you draw any conclusions: I don't believe in the accuracy of these cliches but nevertheless I think that they are still part of our thoughts even though we don't think so. Stereotypes are just prejudices made by people who don't really know the person they are making these assumtions on. That's what makes them false.

Dealing With Stereotypes Because of Your Nationality...

Let me just tell you a bit about my experience with people making hasty conclusions because of my German nationality.

If you think of typical German traits I'm sure you think of punctuality, tidiness, beer and people with no sense of humour.

So whenever I met with acquaintances who are not german it was quite weird. Because I was at our venue five minutes earlier then everyone else. It was not because of myself. It was because I'm German. At least that's what they told me.Then we went into a restuarant and while I was at the toilet they just ordered beer for me because, well...I'm German so I have to like beer. Actually I don't drink alcohol and they didn't believe me. Also everybody was surprised by my sense of humour. Because they literally thought that all Germans didn't like to joke around a bit.

Dealing With Stereotypes Because of Your Nationality...

An experience which made me feel really sad was when someone just called me a Nazi. I didn't do anything and they really thought that I am an admirer of Hitler...

But it's not just about Germans, it's about almost every nation. I'm just gonna list a few stereotypes:

Italians: love their pizza and spaghetti, ardent, loud, look like models.

Chinese: love their rice, eat cats and dogs, very strict parents.

Swedes: blonde, tall, blue eyes, beautiful people, love to go to the sauna.

Americans: everyone owns a gun and is overweight.

British: drink tea the whole day and get sunburns very easily.

French: Baguette, Croissant, Eiffel Tower and are arrogant.

Of course all of them are wrong for most people but I think it's still kind of stuck in our heads.

(Also, this is my first take so I'm sorry for every mistake in my grammar or anything else. )

When did cliches like this affect you and what are your thoughts on them? What stereotype is there for your nationality?

Dealing With Stereotypes Because of Your Nationality...

Dealing With Stereotypes Because of Your Nationality...
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