The BoogeyMan of Trump World. George Soros!

Ladies and Gentlemen, the boogeyman.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the boogeyman.

All over cyberspace, including here in GaG, George Soros has become a favorite target of trump supporters everywhere. Based upon a bunch of conspiratorial nonsense. And I am uncertain about how all of this is healthy. GaG is a weird place. The average GaG participant blames the media for the hostility that has turned into outright violence over the last couple of years. It isn't the politicians who are violent or advocate violence. Nor do they blame the poisonous vitriol they consume on a daily basis. It is the media's fault because. . .someone told them it was the media's fault. It doesn't matter that their stance is completely hypocritical. Because their biggest issue with the media initially was that it did not report on their conspiracy theories. It didn't even take those theories seriously.

Well, it looks like it will have to now. Because the mythology, fantasy, and conspiracy fruitiness in cyberspace is only getting worse. Not sure what the spin will be when we start having these ridiculous debates in public. But it is coming. It is unavoidable. Not that it will change things much. The people clinging to these fantasies without evidence or proof aren't the type you can convince with mere facts.

1. George Soros and Harvey Weinstein were close friends. And he will rehabilitate Weinstein and restore his image.

2. George Soros has paid the "caravan" of thousands of Guatemalans to "invade" the United States, so that they can vote in this year's election. Or garner sympathy for Democratic candidates or. . .for something good that will happen for the Democrats. That one is not exactly clear.

3. He engineered the British financial crisis of 1992! He broke the bank of England, netting himself billions in the process. He did evil things to all the other currencies of Europe and made them lose billions in the process. As one person described in her own "factual" accounting. "He engineered a British financial crisis by dumping 10 billion sterling, forcing the devaluation of the currency and gaining a billion-dollar profit." Notice, it wasn't hilariously overvalued or anything like that. Somehow George Soros did some illegal stuff to force the correction that wasn't a correction.

Well, you get it.

4. George Soros gives to radical groups; BLM, Planned Parenthood, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Amnesty International, NPR, National Organization of Women, Sojourners, gay groups (usually they leave out gay conservative groups), and other radical groups which are almost always unnamed.

5. He joined the Nazis in the Holocaust and helped them to rob kill other Jews. Not so sure why the Nazis hate him so much today, but go figure. And this is in the actual media. Dinesh D'Souza, James Woods, and Ann Coulter have all repeated the same conspiracy.

6. George Soros funds all the media fact checking organizations like Snopes, Media Matters, that prove all of the conspiracies about him are lies.

7. He is the Head of the Snake in All the World's Political Corruption and Socialism. Not sure what to say to that one.

I could go on but it quickly devolves and just when I thought it could not get worse.

Here are written samples of the drivel;

the racist lying anti-usa liberals, leftists and demonCrats (all one and the same) need to be removed for the sake of your family and country - lock and load your ballot box ALL red and put these evil one into the back 40 come NOV 2018 - WE ARE FED UP with these wicked ones, their immoral ways, hatred and lies We should NOT allow any FOREIGN-OWNED COMPANY in our elections. Soros-Connected SMARTMATIC, a U.K.-based voting tech company, Provides Voting Machines In 16 States. Smartmatic with deep ties to George Soros, has control over voting machines in 16 states

George Soros should be a candidate for deportation from the United States for violations of IRS Tax Exempt laws. He publicly committed $18Billion (Billion) to Democrat efforts to overthrow the US democratic form of government and replace it with Globalism with US no more soverign than Panama.

The #$%$, George Soros, is a member of the Club of Rome, which has the goal of making a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT on Earth. So who would run that World Government. HE WOULD, of course, but he would have Hillary Clinton as president of it. Everyone would speak one language, have one set of laws. A part of the plan, due to Hillary Clinton, is to reduce the Earth's population from about 6,000,000,000 (6 billions) to about 5 or 6 hundred millions. The people would be put to work. The elite, George Soros, members of the Club of Rome, and Hillary Clinton (among others) would run the government. So it would be them who decides who lives and dies, who works where, etc. If you think #$%$ Germany was not a place you would want to live in, then the new Soros/Clinton/Club-of-Rome government would not be to your liking at all. By the way, there was a picture of Soros with Ford on the Internet (the woman who tried to sink Kavanaugh's Supreme Court appointment with obvious lies).

George Soros and his liberal minions are ushering in cultural Marxism

My operating theory about Soros is that he's actually a bagman for one or more of the old NWO dynasties, probably the Rothschilds. I don't believe the official story of how he gained his fabulous wealth because, even allowing for the incredible amorality he admits to, it still defies belief he could have gone from a concentration camp inmate to a financial overlord capable of destroying the currencies of entire nations. The whole story doesn't pass the smell taste: he's FRONTING for someone else. Someone who's too respectable to be seen engaging in the gross financial sleaze Soros has always wallowed in, not to mention George's side business funding terrorists.

I guess this is the fake photo of Dr. Christine Ford and George Soros.  I guess he was never young.
I guess this is the fake photo of Dr. Christine Ford and George Soros. I guess he was never young.
Little Nazi Soros?
Little Nazi Soros?
The BoogeyMan of Trump World. George Soros!
Post Opinion