H. J. Res.28 and Why it matters.



as per below :


What is House Bill H. Joint Res. 27?
This bill would fund agencies impacted by the partial government shutdown by funding them through February 1, 2019. The lapse in funding began on December 22, 2018 and affects agencies funded under the seven following appropriations categories: Agriculture; Energy & Water; Financial Services & General Government; Homeland Security; Interior & Environment; State & Foreign Operations; and Transportation, Housing and Urban Development.

Why is this important. This disruption basically is affecting peoples lives.

whaaa I want my wall..
whaaa I want my wall..

all this. over a wall...


so while the party is crying for the wall.. This is going on...

https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2019/01/14/trump-pushes-wall-authorities-keep-finding-drug-tunnels-under-us-mexico-border/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.7bb99d650d3d - As Trump pushes for a wall, authorities keep finding drug tunnels under the U.S.-Mexico border

Note: Sorry, no Fox News Channel or Fox News, Brietbart to support this, if you wish, please do your own research, I am not your teacher.

But I digress..


Energy & Water

Financial Services & General Government

Homeland Security; Interior & Environment

State & Foreign Operations; and Transportation, Housing and Urban Development.

IS NOT being funded. Agriculture. Your food, is not being inspected. How do you expect to eat? (roadkill dont count)

Financial Services.. How is your 401 doing if you have one? you like living paycheck to paycheck


“Someone estimated that if it goes on for the whole quarter, it can reduce growth to zero,” Dimon told reporters on a media call to discuss fourth-quarter results. “We just have to deal with that. It’s more of a political issue than anything else.”

But with this. its now affecting children.

https://www.wptv.com/news/state/new-york-woman-donates-rare-blood-to-south-florida-girl-battling-cancer- New York woman donates rare blood to South Florida girl battling cancer

Susan Forbes of Florida-based OneBlood says that transfer still needs approval from the FDA, and the woman isn't eligible to donate yet after giving birth.

So while a temper tantrum is happening over a wall. People aren't getting paid, and people lives are in the balance.


H. J. Res.28 and Why it matters.
10 Opinion