Male white supremacists, check your privilege!


Dear white men, please stop oppressing minorities and acknowledge that you have it way better than them.

I mean the unfair advantages start early on, when you have the higest school dropout rates. nobody needs an education and you're the only ones that know, cause all those minorities and women, they strive for the best education... poor fools.

minorities and women fail by being better at school than white men
minorities and women fail by being better at school than white men

If you're a white man, chances are you're very mentally unhealthy compared to women and other minorities. you suffer from workaholism, which is a form of clinical depression that leads to you being able to do so much better in the elitie careers than everyone else. i mean as a side effect, your suicide ratio is 80% but who wants to live anyway am i right?

Work yourself to depression and kill yoursellf: the true way to success
Work yourself to depression and kill yoursellf: the true way to success

in addition to the 80% suicide ratio, 99% war deaths, 90% workplace deaths and 71% crime deaths amount to a full 6 year reduced life expectancy compared to women. women can't die that early. you should help them die faster so that they can enjoy life more and your unfair privilige gets eliminated.

if only everybody could die as early as white men :(
if only everybody could die as early as white men :(

not only do white men succeed in dropping out of school, the homelessness ratio is also 71% cause owning a house is for poor minorities. over 60% of criminal courts are biased against you, which will give you the ability to get off the street and live together with fellows in a correctional institution but you're not only good at losing criminal cases.

you're also good at having custody rights denied at court and losing charges of paternity fraud, cause why should a woman tell her man that she's trying to get pregnant. they should at least have the undisputed right to your alimony payments while they're spoiling the child that you don't get to raise.

and if all that wasn't enough, you're now also rivaling the poor minorities privilege to be beaten up by their spouse, as domestic violence cases come closer and closer to 50% ratio for white men.

so next time you think you have it bad, look at poor women and minorities... check your privilege.

i hope you enjoyed this ironic take and maybe it makes you think a little about "privilege".

Male white supremacists, check your privilege!
12 Opinion