More teens are revolutionary, than are rebellious

More teens are revolutionary, than are rebellious

Often parents refer to their teenage offspring as "rebellious"; but when they say this they are usually using it to describe a behavior that is independent (or in rare instances contrary) to current sosciol, societal, and or political practices and norms. But their is a different word for such behavior *revolutionary* is the word which I would prefer be used, my reason for having such a preference is simple.

Gangs are rebellious, the Beatles were revolutionary; historically people have revolted on corrupt regimes, as well as rebelled on noble leaders; the American Civil Rights Movement is known as a "peaceful revolution", but I have never heard of a "peaceful rebellion", thus it can be concluded with confidence that the word "rebellious" is uses to diminish, discourage, and even offend, while "revolutionary" is used to respect and except.

More teens are revolutionary, than are rebellious
7 Opinion