The Pros and Cons to being a Deep Thinker

PrincessPie s
The Pros and Cons to being a Deep Thinker

I think I've always thought quite deeply in life, always been ridiculously curious about everything even as a child, things that most people wouldn't usually even care to know, just thought id share a list of what i think is the pros and cons of thinking deeply.

1. Thinking outside the box. (Pro)

The Pros and Cons to being a Deep Thinker

I think being a deep thinker usually means you often think of new ways of doing things, coming up with new ideas or things most people wouldn't even think of doing or crossing there minds, it can be interesting seeing how they would choose to do something differently, and seeing if their method is better than the one most people would naturally think of using, it is likely a lot of inventors were deep thinkers.

2. Feeling more deeply. (Con or Pro)

The Pros and Cons to being a Deep Thinker

So this one i would have to say is definitely a mixture of the two, can be bad in terms of thinking into things more and knowing the reality of a situation and how bad it is, i think people who don't feel as deeply find it easier to move on from negative situations and not be stuck in a rut of constant negative thoughts, but then when you find something you are passionate about it can be nice feeling that feeling more intensely and being able to have all the positive thoughts running through your mind of how good you're feeling in that moment and to think of the positive future plans to do with the situation you're in.

3. Being lonely. (Con)

The Pros and Cons to being a Deep Thinker

I think being lonely can be quite a big issue for someone who thinks deeply, small talk just doesn't cut it and you want to be able to find someone to talk to about all the things that matter to you and that give you the drive through life, finding a connection is very important and being able to find someone who mentally simulates you and being able to pick at there brain and find out all the things they care about and visa versa, it can be hard when people don't have the same depth or passion to feel the need to talk about and share the things you'd like to, i feel for people who think closer to the surface would maybe struggle with this stuff less.

4. Self aware (Pro)

The Pros and Cons to being a Deep Thinker

I feel people who deeply think are very self aware, i think they know what their strengths and weaknesses are because they will study themselves and maybe be interested to learn what they can do to improve, being self aware means you will be aware of your fails and successes so can work on being a better you.

5. Anxiety/mental health issues (con)

The Pros and Cons to being a Deep Thinker

Now absolutely anyone can suffer from anxiety or problems with there mental health, but i do think being someone who over thinks can definitely be a big con in that department, than someone who is more chilled out and who can live for the moment, constantly thinking or thinking ahead can definitely make you worry more about things that you might not even need to, mental health is a big thing and anxiety is a big cause of some big psychological problems.

6. Being a good judge of character (Pro)

The Pros and Cons to being a Deep Thinker

Lets not say that every single person who over thinks would necessarily be a good judge of character, but it definitely helps, it makes it easier to notice red flags in someone fast, because over thinkers will more likely analyse the people they choose to associate with or have in there lives, this doesn't mean be judgmental or not understanding of them, it just means they will more likely get to know the person quicker and on a deeper level than someone who isn't maybe quite as interested to understand them or learn about them.

Thanks For Reading My, myTake :)

The Pros and Cons to being a Deep Thinker
The Pros and Cons to being a Deep Thinker
61 Opinion