So you want to save the planet, here's some ways


All the talk of global warming, and fossil fuels and such...just works us all into a tizzy and makes us point the finger at someone else. I'd rather have warming than cooling because we have more food, so don't complain too much. But anyways, here's some practical ways you can save the doing what your elders did, because I do a lot of this already!

Grow your own food!

You can grow sprouts at home in jars all year. During growing season, grow some vegetables outside. This improves your health, provides food all around. I also feed local animals. As well, let the plants go to seed, save the seeds, and use them for sprouts and give them as gifts instead of chinese made plastic junk toys and cow hide luxury purses. Im going to start growing them again because they taste good on sandwiches.

Compost your scraps in a worm bin or directly in the ground. Imagine if every person did this...we'd have so many happy worms! Happy worms and microbes means a happier planet! I have a worm bin!

Save the Bees!

If you have space, raise some bees. Also, stop using weed killers on your yard. And stop buying Monsanto crapola! Stop drinking soda...that's not related to anything other than you are ruining your teeth and requiring the growing of corn sugar. I don't drink sugar water people, neither should you!

Reusable drinking container.

Use a resuable container

Disposable cups:

Re-use disposable cups a few times, just rinse them out. This generation was trained to be wasteful. It's hard to believe the amount of disposable plastic and paper we throw into landfills.

Fossil Fuels

Ride your bicycle to work sometimes. Turn your thermostat down 2 degrees.

Sew up your old socks and pants. Recycling your shirts!

I choke laughing inside at the people who voted for Obama complaining about Trumps global warming policy. You lack perspective! Folks...we used to have an economy where things were built and lasted for decades. I just looked at a house with working 1950's appliances! The crap built today is built to fail. Head phones, junk cell phones, junk batteries, junk appliances, and junk cars...all designed to fail...planned obsolescense is the policy. How wasteful is it to keep processing things over and over in factories? I know... it isn't gonna change so easily...

My mother reminded me how her generation conserved and how wasteful we are today. The depression generation knew how to conserve resources because they were poor, they sewed up socks. Your government isolated you from a depression by inflation (print money) policy and you folks have been trained to be wasteful consumers and you hate it. Look to your elders...and consider changing your behavior to be conservationists...conserve resources. It will go against everything you know and think as you were raised to "dispose" and not value anything.

Turn down the power!

Turn off all the devices like your router, TV, etc.. there is a lot of wasted energy when you leave that junk on all night. I have a gag reflex looking at all the "wifi" crap going into everyones homes, including Alex/Google. Seriously..we need to have 24 hour a day listening devices and cameras on our homes? Um...what is powering all that...hamsters? Conserve energy!

Make out more often

By making out, you'll emit more carbon dioxide. That will result in more trees to absorb it which will help cool the planet. There...


That's a start!

So you want to save the planet, here's some ways
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