COVID-19: An Evil Plot?

COVID-19: An Evil Plot?

More and more, many people are starting to wonder if this coronavirus is an engineered thing, including myself. Although I did wonder early on if this was something created as a biological weapon, as some others also believe. Some think China created it as a weapon to attack the United States and it backfired on them, and others believe it was created by the United States against China, and it backfired on us. Either way, it’s not impossible.

An altered world...

What I can say is that this is an evil thing. In every sense of the word. Such an ominous virus that can throw someone’s physical health into such massive disarray - the breathing difficulties being the utmost disturbing thing about it to me. It has people blaming and hating the Chinese. It has us walking around having to wear masks and bandanas in our own world. Our own breathing and living space outdoors. It has us locked in our homes or laid off until it passes. It has people and businesses even trying to sell these masks in fashion for people to wear because it’s now a necessity. It has us restricted from hugging the people we know, shaking their hands, being scared in the stores if some manager is going to shout “6 feet!” if we’re getting too close at the check out line.

COVID-19: An Evil Plot?

This is an utterly evil thing and I honestly am no longer convinced that it was by accident or that there is no vaccine. Call it conspiracy theories or paranoia if you will, but the nature of this madness seems engineered on purpose. Maybe as a way to cut down on population as some have speculated. Maybe as a covert weapon against the world by China. Maybe as some kind of distraction. Maybe a combination of all these things. But what I think? Is that it is possibly a way of changing/reshaping the economy by the people in power. To institute a new structure that serves them and allows them to have more control. To screw over the demographics they want most subject or even destroyed.

Something just isn't right...

In a modern world full of medicine, even if a lot of it is garbage full of side effects, I am not convinced that there is no vaccine. If this virus really is an engineered thing, I can easily believe that a real vaccine known by only a few could be held back from the public until evil individuals behind the scenes are ready for it to come forward. Until enough people have died like they want. Or until some other sinister plan of theirs has come to pass. The drug remdesivir, concocted by the University of Chicago, has so far been the most effective tool against COVID-19, but it isn't a vaccine, only the cure.

COVID-19: An Evil Plot?

Notice how no world leaders are dying or being massively affected by this thing? And those who have been are in almost full recovery? Trump still has his health. Prince Charles came forth last month saying he had it but nothing is wrong with him. The Chinese president has had no reports of major sickness. Or Putin. Or the Saudis. So far only British PM Boris Johnson was struck with intense symptoms that he also has recovered from, but that could’ve been by design because he is probably a puppet.

Some will say, “Well, of course. People in the government will get the best medical care.” But that doesn’t add up when we’re told that survival of this virus largely depends on the strength of one’s immune system regardless of what a doctor or hospital can do. Which they’ve already said is just about nothing. Perhaps these leaders have already been given a secret vaccine?

Behind the veil...

Although it may not seem like it here on GaG, I am actually a very spiritual person in my real life. GaG is just a place for me to express and even have fun with all my sensual thoughts and weaknesses where I will not show that on my Facebook or Instagram pages, or even with everybody in my real life including my own family. I am aware that my sensual attitudes and lifestyle is not particularly Christian, but at the same time I prefer not to sit there and make a bunch of excuses for them like people in churches do. Aside from this personal vice, my everyday faith is actually very focused and vigilant. And I am aware of the evils of this planet on a spiritual level that many believe is "just a fable," "fiction," "a story written by men," etc.

COVID-19: An Evil Plot?

Many people think I and others are foolish for believing in God or even for believing that the devil is real and that there are evil individuals in high places of authority who are arrayed with him and influencing much of the world with darkness. And in the same way I also feel that they’re being foolish for choosing not to believe it and want to think that the things in this world are just coincidence or casual good and evil. Much of what is going on out there is done on purpose. Much of what is happening behind closed doors among powerful people is sinister.

COVID-19: An Evil Plot?

I’m not gonna be cliche and tell you that we’re living in the end times. Or that Jesus is about to come back. But I am gonna tell you that it really is important to wake up and be aware of things going on. Stop being scared of “watching the news.” Stop hiding away in a fantasy world where you don’t want to imagine that evil things/beings and evil people do exist and don’t mean you any good. Stop writing off everything you hear that seems strange to be a "conspiracy theory" just because it seems unlikely. No doubt, some things out there are over examined or ridiculously studied, but others aren't. Realize that there are forces of good and evil on a spiritual level that are at work in this world.

COVID-19: An Evil Plot?
44 Opinion