Man is a mortal being, which means we are destined to die because we are susceptible to death at some point. This is inevitable. Having this understanding in mind will give one a clear direction on how to go about life. The earth is a school which so many people pass through for the purpose of spiritual development, and at the end we have to leave the school. We do not claim ownership of the school, and as such every other students, individuals, citizens have the same right in the school. The laws exist to take care of weakness in forms of crimes but not for us to take laws into our own hands. At the close of school, our reports awaits us irrespective of skin color, race or affiliation. And the nature of our report determines if we failed or passed on our earthly mission. So why waste time on things that do not add real value to your life. You can't take anything out of this world even if you are apportioned the whole world as yours. The thing that will count at the end of your time here is love and how well you accumulated it and how well you developed yourself. BE WISE
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