Racism In Another Way...


I should really be doing my homework right now but there is this one thing niggling at the back of my mind creating a feeling of anger inside of me which I feel the need to share, and writing about it and hearing people's opinions will make me feel better about it.

Something happened today, which showed me racism in a different way.

So, here's what happened:

I was sat in registration today with my friend, and she was desperate to show me pictures she found, on her Ipad from this time last year, I didn't know her (she came to the school as 'the new girl' towards the end of last year) and other photos from way back.

Now you're not really supposed to have devices out at school, so we were hiding whilst looking at the pictures. We're rebels, I know. ;P

Then these boys saw us shouting "put your Ipad away" and then made fun of my friend for bringing an Ipad into school saying things like: "are you blown?" and laughing at her.

Now she and I are mature enough to ignore them, so that's what we did and I don't even think my teacher noticed.

Then I looked out the window and this boy said to me (excuse my language here): "Why are you looking at me you Paki?"

Here's the irony. It was a brown Indian boy who called me a p-word, and it was an English white boy, and an English white girl who stood up for me.

The white boy said to him: "You can't call her that."

And the Indian boy responded: "I can say it because I'm brown."

My Response:

You'd think I'm angry because he called me the p-word. I'm not going to lie that did bother me, thinking he can degrade me because of my ethnicity, however, what I'm more angry about than anything else is I didn't stand up for myself. There are tons of good ways I could've shut him down, but I didn't- I don't know why. I mean I did have some physics revision out too, so I just decided to focus on that but there are so many things I could've said to him.

At first, I was thinking I could've replied something like: "Well, I want to see what crap looks like." But why should I have said that? Why should I have stooped down to his level of degrading insults? Glad I didn't do that.

Then I thought, why would I have to say that, when I can shut him down in an actual classy way? Pakistan was founded 71 years ago, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh was all just 'India' at one point. So there is a chance his ancestors could have lived and been born on the land that is now considered Pakistan. So I could've asked him: "Would you say that to your grandma?" Most likely he would have replied "no" and then I'd tell him what I just mentioned above and reply: "So, you'd say it to your ancestors if you saw them? It's like a black person called their ancestors, n-words." That would have shut him up.

Or I could have easily called him a racist. Because he is clearly ignorant, he would have probably said to me: "How am I racist? I'm brown too." Then I could have easily asked him, so being brown gives you the right to degrade another human being. Had the white boy or girl said that to me they'd be considered racists. I'm brown I can say this, you're white you can't. Seriously? That is like saying I'm white I can sit here, you're coloured you can't. Both are equally as racist.

And I should have thanked the white boy and girl who stood up for me.

I think I was just so angry at the time, it wasn't what he said that angered me much, I hear that word all the time. My opinion on it is if one group of people can say it, everyone should be able to say it and if the group of people which that word is aimed at don't like the use of that word, then the word should be abolished completely. And that goes for any word deemed offensive and degrading. As I was saying, it isn't what he said which angered me, it is the way he said it. He spoke it to me as if I was less than him like I was disgusting for just sitting there.

I wonder if he knows the difference between Pakistanis and Indians is a border. Take the border away, we're basically the same people.

I feel like he only said it to me because I'm sometimes seen as one of the 'quiet' ones. Plus, I'm a 5'1 girl, and I couldn't exactly harm him in any physical way- so I'm basically seen as an easy target for wimps wanting to look tough.

If he says it again to me at least I know what to say back, and I can shut him down completely and remind him of who he is.

I should try not to be such a pushover in the future and speak up for myself. I am sick of being seen as the easy target.

On the upside with all this off my chest, I'm not angry anymore, and I could do my homework with a clear mind now. :)

Thank you for reading this MyTake! As I said, I'm not angry anymore and have a clear mind. Writing is like my punchbag- I can just let everything out on the blank page feeling angry, to begin with, but feeling better when I'm done, like a boxer would hit a punchbag when they are angry, letting it all out, and then feeling better when they're finished. Doing that might be good for me as well, but physical activity and I don't exactly go well together, so I'll just stick to writing. I hope I taught you something or made you think at least and if not, oh well, I'm going to do my homework now- so thank you for reading anyway. :)

Before I go do my homework remember: It doesn't matter what your colour is, what religion you follow, what your sexuality is, what your gender is- you get the picture. Because at the end of the day, we're all humans. So we're all a part one immense community called humanity. So nothing should divide us, yet it still does, and it is ridiculous. We're all a part of one world.

Bye! <3

Racism In Another Way...
Racism In Another Way...
9 Opinion