Denzel kept flying the plane! And Flight is one of the best movies ever!
Denzel kept flying the plane! And Flight is one of the best movies ever!

Recently I've been in flight training to earn my private pilot's license, so everything with me now is aviation metaphors. In the club where I attend lessons, there are posters all over the walls reminding pilots to KEEP FLYING THE PLANE! I've come to realize this is a lesson in life as well as aviation.

KEEP FLYING THE PLANE! has one very obvious meaning, but the other meanings are more subtle. Yet all these meanings can be applied to our lives.

1. Obviously, KEEP FLYING THE PLANE! means maintain positive control of your aircraft. Be vigilant. Constantly scan inside and outside the cockpit. Be sure you are in straight and level flight, and do so calmly. So too in our lives, we should be vigilant for trouble and avoid it calmly when possible. Make decisions, calmly and rationally, and execute them.

2. The second and more subtle meaning of KEEP FLYING THE PLANE! is that you do not allow any one thing to distract you to the point where you lose control. On a recent cross country flight, I dropped a pen as I was copying information. I began fishing around for it, and increasingly got distracted. Then a wing dipped, and I had left straight and level flight. My instructor said to me, "[Bluemax], FLY THE PLANE, not the pen!" Need to change radio frequencies? Do so, BUT FLY THE PLANE, NOT THE RADIO. Need to copy information? Do so, BUT FLY THE PLANE, NOT YOUR KNEE BOARD! So too in life, we should not allow ourselves to get fixated on any one thing to the detriment of all else. Need a promotion? Do so, but KEEP CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE! Need a friend or spouse? By all means find one, but KEEP CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE! Do not fixate on failure, and certainly don't allow failure to cause you to spiral out of control.

3. The third meaning of KEEP FLYING THE PLANE! applies to emergency situations. If there is some kind of equipment failure, KEEP FLYING THE PLANE! first, then work the problem. Whatever the failure is, don't just drop everything and fixate on it. KEEP FLYING THE PLANE! both while assessing the situation and trying the solution.

Engine fire? DO NOT GIVE UP!
Engine fire? DO NOT GIVE UP!

4. The fourth meaning of KEEP FLYING THE PLANE! is not to give up. If you're going down on fire, you keep trying solutions right up until you land safely or crash in a ball of twisted burning metal! Never give up! Keep throwing everything you've got at the problem, no matter how improbable! Don't quit! So too in life, KEEP FLYING THE PLANE! Lost your job? Lost your home? Lost your spouse (this one is particularly pertinent to me)? You must not stop trying to find solutions that will lead to a better day! No matter how hopeless it seems, strive for happiness, in baby steps if you must, but KEEP FLYING THE PLANE!

Now, I do understand that none of this is easy (and that's often a huge understatement). Furthermore, I am the first to admit that to some problems there are no solutions. However, this should not excuse you from TRYING every possible solution until you drop from exhaustion or succeed.

So fellow aviators of life, let's all remember to keep the blue side up, and KEEP FLYING THE PLANE!

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