Respect Everyone

The childs vision is better than yours
The child's vision is better than yours

A benefit of respecting everyone is how it eliminates your own ego

Remember when you were 17-18 applying for college? That was your ego.

Because there's no purpose anymore for you to go to an unknown uni to study things you dont really care about when you dont compare yourself to other people

If thats true, then why do people go to uni?

doesn't everyone generally have respect for one another?

No. Their respect is fraudulent.

When I say respect everyone, that means looking at what people are. Not what they've done to impress you and make you feel good.

This is why 1% of people create things for the 99% who consume things. People with genuine, godlike respect for life, people, etc

Creativity operates on a different level far far above how "responsible" (sad) people work.

Taboos, shaming, battles, competition, insults, bullying, envying, slandering, can't hold the Creative down.

You guys know about Shiva. He had to destroy before he could create. Literally everything that's been created was done by destroying something else.

Hence the Creative are the evil ones. The hated and the persecuted. Luckily God made us fearless.

Respect Everyone
9 Opinion