10 Misogynist Quotes That Sound Extremely Truthful


A lot of these quotes were said by well known people in history such as philosophers, inventors, poets, men’s right activists, etc. Some will sound familiar and others will no doubt make today the first time you’ve heard about them. So before i go on I like to point out that I am aware that some of these quotes might sound...

  • Sexist
  • Inhuman
  • Offensive
  • Misogynist

Indeed I must agree with them to such an extent and may sound like good words to live by in this chaotic world.so if you think you might find this take offensive I suggest to click out of it this instance.

Anyways here is quote #1

10 Misogynist Quotes That Sound Extremely Truthful

This was said by Nikola Tesla aka the best inventor in history and the smartest man in the world; said by Einstein himself. This guy himself was obviously proof of his own quote.

Thanks to his refusal of getting married he was able to dedicate all his time to his inventions thus becoming again the best inventor in history. Most of his apparatus were ahead of their time and there are few of them that not even today’s smartest engineers know how to operate.

Quote #2

10 Misogynist Quotes That Sound Extremely Truthful

This was said by Esther Vilar. She is a writer and a men’s rights activist. She wrote a controversial book called The Manipulated Man where she writes about how we men are exploited in today’s society while women get everything their way in many ways. I think this world would be a better place if men took the time to read her book.

Till then the reason why I agree with her quote is because obviously women know how to channel and manipulate their emotions better than us. Thus making them better liars and manipulators.

Quote #3

10 Misogynist Quotes That Sound Extremely Truthful

This was said by H.L. Mencken. I do not know so much about him other than the fact he was an American journalist. I also know that this quote is extremely important to live by, especially in today’s world where young boys have been conditioned by nonsense like Disney movies, and other franchises to prioritize this so-called thing “love.”

If more men lived by this quote then men today would not be as exploited as we are today via marriage and anything that relates to dating.

Quote #4

10 Misogynist Quotes That Sound Extremely Truthful

This man right here is a legend. Charles Bukowski was a German American poet and writer, his writing used to center around problems in our society, gender war, etc.

He couldn't have said this any better. Good women obviously do not exist and if you ever meet a woman who acts or appears like she is “the one” then you better get ready to be deceived big time. Women will never pretend like they are your gift from heaven unless they know that behaving this way is gonna get them rewarded somehow and boy will they either betray you or treat you worse than a pile of shit once they get whatever it was they got out of you.

Quote #5

10 Misogynist Quotes That Sound Extremely Truthful

This guy Mokokoma Mokhonoana is a poet, philosopher and graphic designer who’s been mainstreaming a lot lately and I can see why. A lot of the things he says make perfect sense.

He couldn't point out the hypocrisy of women calling men dogs (and other animals) any better. After all women can't reproduce without us so calling us animals automatically makes them bestialist.

Quote #6

10 Misogynist Quotes That Sound Extremely Truthful

This was said by Rollo Tomassi aka The Rational Male. the author of the book Rational Male.

This guy has said a lot of things I agree with but if I had to name the top 10 things he said this one is one of them. I mean I always said that sex is sex no matter what and there should never be any ultimatums or secret agendas out of it. Therefore if a woman is making you wait on sex then there is definitely a chance that she is obviously playing a game and is using sex to CONTROL you.

Quote #7

10 Misogynist Quotes That Sound Extremely Truthful

This was said by Friedrich Nietzsche, another brutal philosopher from Germany.

Yeah the fact that women are so mysterious, hard to understand and you need so much luck to understand them pretty much sums it up that everything about a woman is a “riddle.”

But no matter how hard it is to understand them we all know that in the end they just want you to plant your seeds in them. Whether it's because they want to start a family with you, keep you around, exploit you via child support and other liability we will never know.

Quote #8

10 Misogynist Quotes That Sound Extremely Truthful

This man passed away this year in February of this year, So I would like to wish him an RIP for being such a kick ass philosopher.

Till then it is nearly impossible to disagree with this quote if you are a man. Before feminism only women who were as hot as Marilyn Monroe had access to the mainstream, or at least that is what baby boomers and other older folks that were alive before feminism became a thing have always said.

Nowadays thanks to feminism you got women who are ugly and undesirable acting like they’re running the show. But now that most of us men know what feminism is all about, this is now becoming less common. I believe this guy helped us men wake up and realize all of this madness.

Quote #9

10 Misogynist Quotes That Sound Extremely Truthful

Marlene Dietrich said this, judging by her looks she must of no doubt been a sex symbol through the 1920s and 1950s. She most likely could of had any man she wanted in her time so I don't see why should have the need to change them.

Until then this is extremely common nowadays. It seems like most women don't see us men as potential partners, they instead see us as humanoid pets that they can train to act and behave the way they want us to for their own convenience.

If this is not abuse then I don't know what abuse is. We men are human beings, not dogs. Lets also not forget that when you love someone you love that person for who/she is whether if its for the good or bad. If you need to change someone then you obviously don't love that person and most likely don't know what love is.

Quote #10

10 Misogynist Quotes That Sound Extremely Truthful

I like to wish another RIP for this man right here aka one of my favorite heroes of all time!

This quote right here is pretty much self explanatory. Can anybody else describe divorce in a better way? And can it be a coincidence that more than 50% of divorce are initiated by women?


Till then there you have it folks. I know I could have come up with more quotes than this but if I do I probably end up writing a whole entire book.

10 Misogynist Quotes That Sound Extremely Truthful
22 Opinion