Things which should be catch or not.

Things which should be catch or not.

It is said that once in a satsang, a nobleman of Buddha ran away after abuse. After some time when he came back, everyone caught him

Mahatma Buddha said, leave it.

On leaving, Sardhalu asked, What discourse did the Buddha give on the day of my abuse? No one remembered, but everyone remembered his abuse.

He said, you did not come to listen to the lecture, you came only to listen to your insults. If you had heard the lecture, you would not have remembered the abuse.

It is because of this tendency to cling to bad things that divorce, enmity, quarrels and lawsuits arise and all our power to be good goes to waste. It is difficult to get out of this spiral but not impossible.

You will find many people who will stick with you just to find fault with you or to say something bad about you. No matter how many nice things you tell them, they will only talk about what can make you look inferior.

People believe it is more right to make someone else look bad than to make themselves look good. Therefore, as many disputes/posts are made to prove a religion, person, ideology as bad. This is the essence of everything.

Correct your negative tendencies Raise the positive ones in others. Go for the good. Turn from bad to worse. At least your life will be better.

Things which should be catch or not.
2 Opinion