Forget about "Black" History Month. My Asian-American Hero is Michelle Malkin! Would you support her for President?


Yeah everybody. Screw that "Black" History crap! Let's talk about the heroes of Asian-American Culture!! Right up at the top of that list. . .past Pat Morita, past George Takei, Vincent Chin, Bruce Lee, and Michelle Yeoh, is the Queen of Asian-American Culture and History Michelle Malkin.

Forget about Black History Month. My Asian-American Hero is Michelle Malkin! Would you support her for President?

Michelle Malkin is so awesome! She honors all Asian-Americans by moving past victimhood into a bright future! She does a lot of research and communicating. And I have seen some videos of Asian-Americans saying she is positive and turned their lives around. You should look and see all the testimonials about all she has done for Asian-Americans.

I think she should be President and Dinesh D'Szoua should be her VP. An unbeatable combination! I mean anyone "Yellow" is an example of Asian-American History, right? I mean, if they got the double eyelid thing and the right skin color. . .just shove them right in there. If the box don't fit. . .just force it down on them!

And I am being totally genuine. I have no "alternative" agenda!

But let me go further than my colleague, Mr. @lightbulb27. Let me actually detail why I love Michelle Malkin.

Forget about Black History Month. My Asian-American Hero is Michelle Malkin! Would you support her for President?

Michelle Malkin is great because of her devastating critique of the liberal conspiracy about the Japanese Interment! She destroys this mythology and reveals the devastating truth that all libs hate. The Japanese were never interned! Just look it up on youtube!!! They were given great vacation spots to stay in. The government took all their money, material possessions, etc. for safe-keeping. They just forgot to give all that stuff back. Then, it was only like 120,000 Japanese folks. And just because most of them were American citizens doesn't mean nuthin!

And the Japanese-Americans loved having to work and basically build their own prison. . .I mean resort home that they were going to stay in. It was so cozy! Only seven people to one room! So there was plenty of space to stretch out and get comfortable. Surrounded by barb wire and machine guns, these vacationers felt right at home for a few years.

And the government was so efficient when it came to this vacation package. They accurately figured out if you had 1/16 Japanese blood, you qualified to this all expense paid trip! Even babies in orphanages were pulled out and shipped free of charge! And libtards whine and complain about these luxuries that were extended to our fellow Americans.

Now the brilliance of Michelle's book is how she shows that this had to be done. That the reasons for these all fully expensed and paid for vacations is that the Japanese were secretly traitors. That's right! Our government was so kind. . .that they did all of this kind stuff to a bunch of lying evil traitors! Who just happed to be American citizens somehow. I am not how this part works. . .but I don't have to. Michelle figured it all out somehow for me. I let her do my thinking on this part of the story. But anyway, the Japanese in America had a secret spy network that was alerting the evil Japanese empire of our military strength, moves, and capabilities.

So that's why they had to lock up entire families. . .well, it wasn't really locking them up. It was just that they had to go to a place where they couldn't leave because there was a door that closed and a lock was on it and guards were there to shoot them if they tried to leave.

I mean just look at these traitors. They are all happy and smiling. And they are being disciplined and schooled on how to say the pledge of allegiance. To get rid of those traitorous genes and "culture" they might have in them

Forget about Black History Month. My Asian-American Hero is Michelle Malkin! Would you support her for President?

And Michelle Malkin like a phoenix! Arises from the ashes of libtard victimhood to say, forget the past! The freedoms that Asian enjoy today come from themselves. They don't do victimhood and that's how they are free. Besides, the government gave them $20,000, 40 years later! Shoot, they could have gotten what "Black" folks got. . .which was squat!

So that's my Asian American Hero a couple months ahead of time, Michelle Malkin!

Forget about "Black" History Month. My Asian-American Hero is Michelle Malkin! Would you support her for President?
21 Opinion